Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Can you add the latest 15.5 RST?

Thank you

What lets you think, that your system may benefit from this brandnew driver, which natively doesn’t support any older Intel chipset up to 9-Series?
Which chipset has your mainboard and what is the SATA mode of your on-board Intel SATA Controller?

It is known that intel artificially limits older platforms from newer drivers when there have been little to no changes at a hardware level.
Example 6 series > 7 series. No change at hardware level yet 7 series would install much newer drivers.

Regardless, even my old 6 series laptop has seen noticeable gains from installing the latest 15.x series over the ‘recommended’ v11 branch.
Updates can provide bug fixes or add better compatibility with new software, example windows 10 creator edition.

@PhatAgent :
Ok, I will present mod+signed variants of the Intel RST(e) drivers v15.5.0.1051 tomorrow.

Many thanks!

@ all:
Upon demand I have modified and signed the latest available Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform to make them installable onto nearly all Intel Chipset systems from ICH7 up running in AHCI or RAID mode.

Update of the Start Post:


  • new:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v15.5.0.1051 dated 03/17/2017, modified and digitally signd by me at 04/13/2017
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v15.5.0.1051 dated 03/29/2017

  1. The Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel 100-/200-Series Chipsets.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work.
    Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers.
  2. If not already previously done, don’t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  3. Due to new security features of Win10 v1703 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  4. >Here< you can get additional informations about “modded” drivers and >here about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Why use modified Intel RST drivers if you can just force a different chipset through Device Manager? For example, I have Z77 C216, but I force Z87 C220 drivers onto it without problems. Is there benefit to “modified” versions. AFAIK it just means you add other device ID’s, but that has no effect on driver function…

Maybe there are people who don’t want to mod their BIOS but want to use the newest drivers?
It’s not about driver “function” but getting the latest revision (eg bug fixes).

@MonarchX :
You are right: The addition of HardwareIDs into the related INF file has no impact on the driver’s function, but I always prefer to install a mod+signed driver than to betray the Device Management regarding the correct DeviceID of the on-board SATA Controller.

Makes sense, I guess. I was also curious to know whether driver LATENCY tests have been conducted. For example the latest driver that fully and officially support my Z77 board does perform slightly better than the rest basedon SSD benchmarks I ran, but when checked through LatencyMon, it has higher average latency compared to the latest 14.X driver. It would be nice to dig deeper to see whether Intel discountinued support for older motherboards because those motherboards did not support the new features/change in newer AHCI/RAID drivers or because it suited Intel’s marketing to make it SEEM that older motherboards did not support features/changes in newer AHCI/RAID drivers…

Hello guys,
when i try to install any of the modded drivers i get the error after runing the msi installer. I have booted the system in the non signature drivers mode. What am i doing wrong?|addpics|fa1-1-3644.png|/addpics|

@Dragan :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Please explain, which one of my modded drivers you tried to get installed onto which OS and how you tried to do it.
I do not offer any modded driver as *.msi package. The *.msi files I am offering are just for the “Universal Intel RST Software”.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you for a very fast answer Fernando.

My motherboard is Asus P6X58D-E with ICH10R controller. I do get blue screen if i try to install the official Intel RST drivers so i went for your modded ones. I tried Universal 64bit Intel RST Software v15.2.10.1044.

@Dragan :
Haven’t you read the warnings regarding the usage of the v14 and v15 platform drivers within the start post of this thread?
The latest Intel RST driver, which natively supports Intel X58 chipset systems, is v11.7.4.1001. You can try to use my mod+signed Intel RST(e) drivers v13.2.8.1002, but I do not recommend to install any newer Intel AHCI/RAID driver.

Yes i have read the warnings. I still wanted to see if the driver works. This error that i mentioned happens in the 13.2 .msi as well so it is has nothing to do with the version it seems.

You should better install the Intel RST driver manually from within the Device Manager.
As I already stated before: None of my mod+signed drivers can be installed via *.msi installer.

Thank you Fernando. I have now done this and the drivers work. But the reason i am trying newer drivers is that my RAID seems to freeze for 5 seconds or so every so often. I read it could be related to the Intel Link Power Management (LPM). I have disabled that with registry edit that was on the internet but the problem still persists.

EDIT: I have resolved the issue with the above error “The Feature You Are Trying To Use Is On A Network Resource That Is Unavailable”. Seems like some traces of the older software installation were still present and could not be removed during the installation of new drivers. To fix them follow the guide…able-windows-10.

I am now using Intel RST 13.6.0 1002 drivers and will report if it is any better with my freezing issue.

My motherboard: Asus H110M-E with IntelÂŽ H110 chipset.

OS: Windows 10 64x Creators Update

Modded drivers test results:

Default Microsoft driver - 7 sec boot time, good benchmark results
15.5 - 7 sec boot time, poor benchmark results
15.2 - 7 sec boot time, average benchmark results
14.8 - 1 sec boot time, best benchmark results, smooth transition to logon screen (no screen flash)
13.2 - 1 sec boot time, good benchmark results
12.94 - 1 sec boot time, poor benchmark results, screen flashes before login screen appears

The boot time is time between post bios screen to Windows login screen.

14.8 is the best driver for me, and I’m sticking with it.

All the official drivers caused this weird issue after a certain time of computer use the mouse would start to stutter heavily and nothing would fix it until a computer restart. I was trying all different kinds of fixes but nothing worked until I uninstalled the Intel WQHL AHCI driver. Some drivers would even cause a dead lock after a certain period of computer use (the 15 series). The modded drivers don’t have this issue, not sure what they do different, but I’m just happy I found them.

@Sam1-2 :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your interesting report.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Any chance to get the latest v14 ( modded?, thanks