Modded Intel AHCI and RAID Drivers (digitally signed)

Ok, here we go:

@ all:
Upon demand I have modified and signed the latest available Intel RST(e) drivers of the v14 platform and of the v15.2 development branch to make them installable onto nearly all Intel Chipset systems from ICH7 up running in AHCI or RAID mode.
Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v14.8.16.1063 dated 04/10/2017, modified and digitally signd by me at 05/05/2017
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v14.8.16.1063 dated 04/27/2017
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v15.2.16.1060 dated 03/30/2017, modified and digitally signd by me at 05/05/2017
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v15.2.16.1060 dated 04/10/2017

  1. The Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel 100-/200-Series Chipsets.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work.
    Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers.
  2. If not already previously done, donā€™t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  3. Due to new security features of Win10 v1703 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  4. >Here< you can get additional informations about ā€œmoddedā€ drivers and >here about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Can you add the latest

Thank you.

Yes, I will do it as soon as I am home again and have an unlimited internet connection.

@ all:
Upon demand I have modified and signed the latest available Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform to make them installable onto nearly all Intel Chipset systems from ICH7 up running in AHCI or RAID mode.

Update of the Start Post:


  • new:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v15.5.2.1054 dated 04/24/2017, modified and digitally signd by me at 05/18/2017

  1. The Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel 100-/200-Series Chipsets.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work.
    Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers.
  2. If not already previously done, donā€™t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  3. Due to new security features of Win10 v1703 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  4. >Here< you can get additional informations about ā€œmoddedā€ drivers and >here about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Update of the Start Post:

  • new:
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST(e) Software v15.5.2.1054 dated 05/02/2017

Note: The upload has been delayed, because I was not at home and without WLAN for a while.

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Requesting modded released recently.

Thank you!

I will offer them, if you let us know your system details (chipset/SATA mode/OS) and your experience with the different mod+signed Intel RST(e) drivers I have offered upon your request in the past.

System specs are below.
In AHCI . Raid mode Supports this driver natively, AHCI does not.

Again as Iā€™ve said before this is an artificial limitation made by intel for absolutely no reason.
Iā€™ve never had issues with modded RST, itā€™s nice to have them because intel fixes minor bugs.
I donā€™t use them expecting huge performance gains or anything like that.

Iā€™ve used modded on ancient 5/6 series chipsets and never had any issues with them either. Nor have i had performance loss but have seen minor gains around 5-10% in AS-SSD

@PhatAgent :
Thanksfor the requested infos.

The first part of this sentence is not 100% correct.
All original Intel RST/RST(e) RAID drivers are installable onto all Intel RAID systems from ICH8R up without the need to force the installation, because its universal external DeviceID DEV_2822, which has been put by Intel into the related *.INF file. But this does not mean, that all the related Intel SATA RAID Controllers are fully supported by them. The Intel SATA RAID Controllers of the various Intel Chipsets are quite different. They even have a different specific internal DeviceID, whose code is within the Intel RST(e) drivers named iaStorA.sys. This is why Intel SATA RAID Controllers of different Intel Chipsets do react different although they all seem to have the same (external) DeviceID.

This is only partly true (see above).

It is a widely spread misapprehension of the users, who always want to have the latest drivers for all their devices, because they believe, that a newer driver is better because of its bug fixes. Unfortunately this conclusion is only valid for driver versions, which belong to the same development branch. With the start of any new driver development platform (e.g. RST v13/v14/v15) or branch (e.g. RST v14.8, v15.2, v15.5 or v15.7) new and previously not present bugs appear and have to be fixed. This is the reason why I always repeat my statement ā€œnewer means not automaticly betterā€. Only exception: If you have found the ā€œbestā€ driver development branch for your specific system, I recommend to use the latest available driver Build of this best suited driver branch.

Now to your request: I will offer the mod+signed variants of the Intel RST(e) drivers v15.7.0.1014 this evening. It would be fine, if you post a short review about your test result.

I think you misunderstood what I meant.

In RAID mode you can install the driver without modding.
AHCI mode does not work without modded driver for v15 branch.

Thatā€™s the artificial limitation as RAID is very similar to AHCI

No itā€™s not a misconception as newer branches can provide bug fixes over previous branches.

Example, v13 branch will surely have some minor bugs that the latest v14 does not as v13 is ancient by now.
v13 branch has an issue with power link management on some hard drives which latest V14 will fix, this is an example where ā€˜best suited branch recommendationā€™ is not actually the best driver.

Force installing newer drivers has never caused any performance issues or other problems so for me Iā€™d rather stick with the latest.
Especially considering X99 isnā€™t even old.

Thanks for your help.

@ all:
Upon demand I have modified and signed the latest available Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform to make them installable onto nearly all Intel Chipset systems from ICH7 up running in AHCI or RAID mode.

Update of the Start Post:


  • new:
    • mod+signed 32/64bit Intel RST(e) AHCI+RAID drivers v15.7.0.1014 dated 06/06/2017, modified and digitally signd by me at 06/20/2017
    • Universal 32/64bit Intel RST Software v15.7.0.1014 dated 06/09/2017

  1. The Intel RST(e) drivers of the v15 platform have been designed and optimized by Intel just for the newest Intel 100-/200-Series Chipsets.
    Due to the modification of the related INF files the above listed Intel RST drivers will be installable onto older Intel Chipset AHCI/RAID systems, but may not properly work.
    Users with an older Intel Chipset system should better take a driver, which belongs to the v13 or v14 platform. I am not responsable for potential problems they may get after the installation of these newest mod+signed drivers.
  2. If not already previously done, donā€™t forget to import the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you try to get any of my mod+signed drivers installed. The Certificate itself and the related CMD file are attached to all my mod+signed driverpacks.
  3. Due to new security features of Win10 v1703 you may have to execute the CMD file from within the Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell (both options have to be run as Admin).
  4. >Here< you can get additional informations about ā€œmoddedā€ drivers and >here about how to get them properly installed.

Good luck with these freshly modded and digitally signed Intel AHCI/RAID drivers!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I am a Chinese.Sorry for my poor english.I can not download your Drivers.Can you send me one by E-mail? this one->Universal 32bit Intel RST AHCI+RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 mod+signed by Fernando.I use XP in Intel H87 mainboard.I want to use AHCI.My Email is [email protected] . In my country, someone introduced this driver, but I didnā€™t find any SkyDrive to store it. thinks. The same we can not use google youtube.

@monaibo :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!


Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)


Hmmm I have standard windows driver for this hardware, was trying universal 11.2 did not work

what should be drivers for this Asmedia AHCI controller?

@PitKoz :
This is a thread about Intel drivers, which are only usable with Intel SATA AHCI/RAID Controllers. If your HDD/SSD is connected to an ASMedia SATA AHCI Controller, you have to install an ASMedia AHCI driver.

Finally your modded drivers went smoothly to and they are there:

Asmedia seems like stopped provide any supportā€¦ and drivers, or This I had seen before on ASMEDIA web was different to TW websiteā€¦ there is so much mess around in net, my Design Architect heart is bleeding because of thisā€¦

but this subject are so time costly, now i will be migrating my matrix to new matrix 3 time speedier and 2 times bigger ā€¦ but I hope this process is as ā€œeasyā€ as in Adaptec SCSI ā€¦ LOL

Which ones of my various modded drivers did you install? For which Controller?

Fernando. I just wanted to say thank you.

I do not create accounts on many forums or often participate, but this custom AHCI driver for the intel 8 series chipset for XP that I just downloaded amd installed from you, It worked like a charm and I really thought my project was going to fail. You are great man.

Here is my story.

Im selling a computer, with which I told a customer I could triple boot for him xp, 7 and 10, on an HP Elitebook 810 G2 Revolve Tablet PC. In addition, I would be straight cloning the XP partition for him, so it would be exactly like it was on his old desktop junk PC. I have done this before on earlier chipsets, no problem, and thought this would be similar.

The way I do it is pretty simple. I install 10, and 7 separately on different HDDs, and then with the working 10 HDD installed, I use a pre boot program from paragon to copy the 7 partition behind the 10 one. That always goes through fine. I then take his XP HDD and copy that partition behind the 7. Now I have one HDD (In MBR for XP compatibility) with an MBR partition, 10 partition, 7 partition, and XP partition (4 Max for MBR!)

I boot into Windows 10 and run easy BCD which helps me correct any boot problems.

If I ever run into driver problems, I again use the Paragon Recovery Tool preboot software, to replace and inject appropriate drivers. This usually works without a hitch and loads up copied partitions from other computers with generic drivers that are compatible with whatever PC I am using. I did not consider this newer chipset as being a potential problem. The tool would have nothing to do with this Series 8 AHCI driver for XP.

But you fixed it man, I have been searching for drivers and as you pointed out, they dont make xp ahci drivers for this 8 series chipset. I downloaded yours, used my tool to inject it and I finally got a boot, problem solved.

BTW I did not read this entire forum post, it seemed to be pretty lengthy, and I got the info and goods I needed from your intro after a google search.

I do want to recommend the paragon tool to you for injecting drivers with its P2P feature (run this tool, you will see what Im referring to.) Anyways, it allows me to fix numerous problems preboot and is otherwise a basic HDD manager.

Thanks so much for your help, I was becoming very concerned about completing this task, and now I can, even if just barely on time.

You are great, I hope someone is paying you well!

@hixtek :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report and kind words.

I am not payed by anyone for my work. The donations I received in the past from a few Forum members are far from covering my expenses for the maintenance of the Forum.
Nevertheless I enjoy my job here and am happy, when I get a positive feedback as the one written by you.

Dieter (alias Fernando)