N3150 laptop BIOS backed up and program issue

I recently used CH341A programmer backed up BIOS of a N3150 laptop. It is using W25Q64FWSIG as BIOS chip. I forget to use the 1.8V adaptor but the CH341A programmer detected the correct chip ID and read the chip as normal. I am not sure if it is corrupted with the 3.3v voltage programmer. I flashed the backed up BIOS to a new W25Q64FW chip it gives me blank screen. Here is the backed up BIOS. Please help me fix this. Not sure if it is corrupted.

P.S. The BIOS is Insyde H2O UEFI BIOS. And the BIOS update file also attached below. BIOS update file can only be used in Windows and H2OFFT app. Hope this file below is useful to fix the backed up BIOS file uploaded above.


The config file of the H2OFFT BIOS update utility shows below.

; This file is Insyde H2OFFT (Flash Firmware Tool) configuration file.
; Because some setting items only supported on specific OS flash.
; Here use following method to identify each setting item.
; (dwsDWS) means the setting item supported on which OS flash.
; d means DOS normal flash.
; w means Windows normal flash.
; s means Shell normal flash.
; D means DOS secure flash.
; W means Windows secure flash.
; S means Shell secure flash.

; ***************************
; Supported Section List.
; ***************************
; | supports on
; -------------------------------------±--------------------------------
; [AC_Adapter] | DOS WIN SHELL Secure
; [AutoWakeup] | WIN Secure
; [Bios_Version_Check] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [BIOSVersionFormat] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [CapsuleAudit] | DOS WIN
; [CommonFlash] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [FactoryCopy] | Secure
; [FDFile] | WIN
; [FlashComplete] | DOS WIN SHELL Secure
; [FlashSecureBIOSOverride] | WIN SHELL
; [ForceFlash] | WIN SHELL Secure
; [Log_file] | WIN SHELL
; [MessageStringTable] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [Option] | WIN
; [Others] | DOS WIN SHELL Secure
; [PasswordCheck] | WIN
; [PermitFlashConditionalData] | DOS
; [PermitFlashVersion] | WIN
; [Platform_Check] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [PlatformVersion] | DOS WIN SHELL
; [Region] | DOS WIN SHELL Secure
; [ReturnCodeDefinition] | WIN
; [ReturnErrorCode] | WIN
; [SecureUpdate] | WIN SHELL
; [UpdateEC] | WIN SHELL Secure
; [UpdateExtraData] | WIN
; [Version] | WIN

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL Secure flash.
ErrorMsg00=No error!
ErrorMsg01=AC detect error!
ErrorMsg02=DC detect error!
ErrorMsg03=DC gas gauge under xx%!
ErrorMsg04=BIOS version compare error!
ErrorMsg05=Model name compare error!
ErrorMsg10=Not support this version of Flash Common Interface!
ErrorMsg11=Show BIOS version string length more than xx bytes.
ErrorMsg12=Show model name string length more than xx bytes.
; to disable [CommonFlash] is remove entire section.
; if enable, power check will take care by Ihisi, and NOT reference [AC_Adapter].
;SwitchString (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : A switch flag setting string. Ex: “CPVER:[1] ACEN DCEN FHRST”
; Detail parameter please reference following table.
; Parameter | Description
; -------------±---------------------------------------------
; PTEN | All protection enable.
; PTDIS | All protection disable.
; ACEN | AC protect checking enable.
; ACDIS | AC protect checking disable.
; DCEN | DC & Gangue protect checking enable.
; DCDIS | DC & Gangue protect checking disable.
; RESSEN | BIOS Regression enable.
; RESSDIS | BIOS Regression disable.
; PJMDEN | Project Model string protect checking enable.
; PJMDDIS | Project Model string protect checking disable.
; FHOS | System back to OS after flash BIOS completely.
; FHST | System directly shutdown after flash BIOS completely.
; FHRST | System directly reboot after flash BIOS completely.
; CPVER:[Num] | Common Flash Version information
; | ex: [Num] is decimal and start from 1.
; -------------±---------------------------------------------
;ErrorMsg00 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : No error message.
;ErrorMsg01 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : AC error message.
;ErrorMsg02 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : DC error message.
;ErrorMsg03 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : DC gas gauge under xx% message.
;ErrorMsg04 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : BIOS version error message.
;ErrorMsg05 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : Model name error message.
;ErrorMsg10 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : No support this version of Flash Common Interface message.
;The number of ErrorMsg## is in hex.

; Supports on DOS flash.
Conditionaldata1=1,w,“0x0003”,"The BIOS image does not support the current hardware configuration.\nFlash update is aborted."
Conditionaldata2=2,w,“0x20DD”,"The BIOS image does not support the current hardware configuration.\nFlash update is aborted."
Conditionaldata3=2,w,“0x20DE”,“The BIOS image does not support the current hardware configuration.\nFlash update is aborted.”
;This flag is the switch of comparing bios project ID with ROM file project ID.
;PFCDFunctionEnable (d)
; default : 0.
; 0 : function is disabled.
; 1 : function is enabled.
; The function is enabled or disabled by the flag. If the flag is disabled, application will keep flash progress without conditional check.
;Conditionalcount (d)
; default : 0.
; Integer : Total count of conditional data.
;Conditionaldata#=[Data Type], [Data Format], [Data Field], [Message String]
; Base on data format you need and to add configure value by below data format field and data field.
;(d) Conditionaldata# : # support from 1~20.
;(d) [Data Type] : The type of Conditionaldata, when you have more than one conditional data need to check before flash, you can give them different type.
; It will allow flash when all types are pass.
; It also can use the same type with more than one conditional data, that means if one of the conditional data is pass, this type is pass.
; Ex: We have the following settings, Conditionaldata1 is type 0, others are type 1.
; Conditionalcount=3
; Conditionaldata1=0,w,“0x1234”,“This BIOS is not allow to flash.”
; Conditionaldata2=1,w,“0x1111”,“This BIOS is not allow to flash.”
; Conditionaldata3=1,w,“0x1222”,“This BIOS is not allow to flash.”
; When Conditionaldata1 is pass and Conditionaldata2 or Conditionaldata 3 is pass that will allow flash.
; Allow = data1 pass && ( data2 pass || data3 pass ).
;(d) [Data Format] : Can support different as binary, string, WORD, DWORD.
; b : The data format is binary.
; s : The data format is string.
; w : The data format is WORD.
; d : The data format is DWORD.
;(d) [Data Field] : Relative data base on data format.
; BINARY : If the data format is binary.
; Data field is HEX. The data is as like “AA BB 00 12 55”.
; String : If the data format is string.
; Data field is string. The data is as like “Data.123.AABE.”.
; WORD : If the data format is WORD.
; Data field is HEX and unit is a WORD length. The data is as like “0x1223”.
; DWORD : If the data format is DWORD.
; Data field is HEX and unit is a DWORD length. The data is as like “0x12345678”.
;(d) [Message string] : Define customize message string here.
; The message is pop up when flash utility get a process interrupted from BIOS.
; The message string is optional field.
; It will not pop any message if you do not provide message string in this field.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
;Flag (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Normal mode.
; 1 : Multi-FD mode. It will reference FD#XX values.
;FD#XX (dwsDWS)
; Integer : XX is decimal number from 01 to 99. (FD#01 ~ FD#99)
;This section supports IO space type, PCI address type and multiple condition type.
;FD#XX=IO,[Offset],[Mask],[Value],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;FD#XX=PCI,[Bus],[Device],[Function],[Offset],[Mask],[Value],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;FD#XX=MPCIIO,[Condition Number],PCI-[Bus]-[Device]-[Function]-[Offset]-[Mask]-[Value],IO-[Offset]-[Mask]-[Value],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;FD#XX=ID,[Model Name],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;FD#XX=OS,[OS Version],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;FD#XX=MEMORY,[Physical Address],[Mask],[Value],[Filename],[ME Filename],[INI Filename]
;(dwsDWS) [Offset] : Offset in hex.
;(dwsDWS) [Mask] : IO and MEMORY type supports BYTE, WORD and DWORD in hex.
; For example, BYTE → 03, WORD → 0A01, DWORD 100400D3
; PCI type supports DWORD in hex only.
;(dwsDWS) [Value] : IO and MEMORY type supports BYTE, WORD and DWORD in hex.
; PCI type supports DWORD in hex only.
;(dwsDWS) [Model Name] : The platform ID, model name string.
;(wW) [OS Version] : 32bit or 64bit OS. 32 for 32bit OS, 64 for 64bit OS.
;(dws) [Physical Address] : A DWORD value in hex.
;(dwsDWS) [Filename] : Filename of FD.
;(w) [ME Filename] : ME Filename of FD. If it exists, utility will run OEMME flash feature.
;(dw) [INI Filename] : INI Filename for overwrite.
; If it exists, utility will load the new ini file and overwrite all sections (except [MULTI_FD]) exist in new ini file.
;When [Offset] & [Mask] == [Value], it will flash the following files ([Filename] and [ME Filename]).

; Supports on WIN flash.
;H2OFFT (FlashFirmware Tool) will display the value at top
;Version (wW)
; default : empty.
; String : Version number string for display.
; It will be show on UI, and append on current version number.
; When current version is 5.01 and this version string set to “12”,
; then it will show “H2OFFT V5.01.12” on main dialog caption.

; Supports on WIN DOS SHELL flash.
;Confirm (wW)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display confirm dialog.
; 1 : Display confirm dialog.
;Silent (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Normal mode.
; 1 : Silent mode, hide main dialog.
;SilentWithDialog (wW)
; default : 2.
; 0 : Don’t display any dialog.
; 1 : Display main dialog only.
; 2 : Display all dialogs except main dialog.
;DisplayID (wW)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS ID.
; 1 : Display BIOS ID.
;InsydeInfo (wW)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display Insyde copyright information and URL.
; 1 : Display Insyde copyright information and URL.
;VersionInfo (wW)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS version.
; 1 : Display BIOS version.
;GroupInfo (wW)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t display group box.
; 1 : Display group box.
;ConfirmInfo (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS version and build date information in confirm dialog.
; 1 : Display BIOS version and build date information in confirm dialog.
;ConfirmInfoRDate (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display BIOS version and release date information in confirm dialog.
; 1 : Display BIOS version and release date information in confirm dialog.
; When this flag set to 1, the ConfirmInfo flag won’t be referenced.
;OnFlashingBeep (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t beep on flashing.
; 1 : Beep on flashing.
;OnFlashingBeepDelayTime (w)
; default : 800. (Unit is millisecond)
; Integer : Set beep delay time (milliseconds).
;DisableMouseAndKeyboardInput (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t hook mouse and keyboard.
; 1 : Hook mouse and keyboard without “CTRL+ALT+DEL”.
;BeforeRunToolDelayTime (wW)
; default : 0. (Unit is second)
; Integer : Delay number of seconds before flash process.
;ProgramStartToWrongMessageBox (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t pop-up warning dialog before flash process.
; 1 : Pop-up a warning dialog before flash process.
;GetFDFileButton (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Hide FD file browse button.
; 1 : Show the button for browsing FD file.
;DelayBeforeFlash (wW)
; default : 0. (Unit is second)
; Integer : Delay number of seconds before flashing.
;ConfirmDialogCustomizeMessage (wW)
; default : empty.
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
; For inserting additional notification message in confirm dialog.
;ShowCustomizeMessageOnConfirmDialogOnly (wW)
; default : 0
; 0 : Display default confirm message and insert the customize message on confirm dialog.
; 1 : Do not display default confirm message, only show customize message on confirm dialog.
;ShowUpdateROMAddress (d)
; default : 0
; 0 : Show progress bar when updating BIOS.
; 1 : Show ROM address when updating BIOS.
;Elapse (dwsDWS)
; default : 0
; 0 : Disable to show elapse time during progressing BIOS update.
; 1 : Enable to show elapse time during progressing BIOS update.
;DisableAccessRightWarningMessage (wW)
; default : 0
; 0 : It will show warning message when any region is locked (such as ME) in input image.
; 1 : Do not show warning message when any region is locked in input image.

; Supports on WIN flash.
;Flag (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Auto flash mode.
; 1 : User option mode, including option, start, exit buttons.
; (Option button will disable on secure flash mode.)
; 2 : User flash mode, including start, exit buttons.

; Supports on WIN flash.
;FileName (wW)
; default : empty.
; String : Utility always load this file.
; If the FileName is empty, utility will search current directory
; and load the first found FD file.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
;Flag (dwsDWS)
; default : 1.
; 0 : Don’t check AC.
; 1 : Check AC.
;BatteryCheck (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t check battery.
; 1 : Check battery.
;BatteryBound (dwsDWS)
; default : 20.
; Integer (1~100) : Low battery boundary (percentage).
; When BatteryCheck=1 this value will be referenced.
; And only when the battery life percentage is bigger than
; inputed value, it can do flash.
;LauncherAcWarning (dsDS)
; default : messagestringA02
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
;SecurityAcWarning (dwsDWS)
; default : messagestringA02
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
;AcNotConnectError (wW)
; default : messagestringA05
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
;DcNotConnectError (wW)
; default : messagestringA06
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
;DcNotEnoughError (wW)
; default : messagestringA07
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
;This flag is the switch of comparing bios project ID with ROM file project ID.
;Flag (dwsDWS)
; default : 3.
; 0 : Don’t check project ID.
; 1 : Check project ID of new file.
; If ID is different with current BIOS, the utility will close.
; 2 : Utility will compare current platform ID with the 20 platform IDs.
; If any one is match, it will go ahead, otherwise utility will close.
; 3 : Depends on BIOS report.
;PlatformName1~20 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : If ROM file do not contain correct ID, user can define ID here.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
;This flag only available when the [Platform_Check] is enable to compare the 20 platform IDs.
;The Version is pair with the PlatformName.
;For example: When the platform ID matches with PlatformName2, the Version2 will be used.
;Flag (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t use multi version.
; 1 : Use the version in the list instead of the version in file.
;Version1~20 (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
; String : If ROM file do not contain correct version, user can define version here.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
CheckByBiosErrorMessage=“This BIOS file is not allow to flash. The flash process will be terminated.”
;This flag is the switch of checking BIOS version.
;Flag (dwsDWS)
; default : 2.
; 0 : Don’t check rom file version.
; 1 : Check BIOS version.
; When rom file version is older than BIOS, it will display
; a warning message and close application.
; 2 : Depend on BIOS report.
;CheckByBios (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Normal process.
; 1 : It will pass version by IHISI to BIOS and check by BIOS.
; When BIOS return not allow to flash, it will be terminated the process.
; When BIOS allow to flash, it will go ahead and do it’s normal process.
; When this flag is enable but BIOS not support, it will skip version check and assume allow to flash.
;CheckByBiosErrorMessage (dwsDWS)
; default : “This BIOS file is not allow to flash. The flash process will be terminated.”
; String : User defined error message when BIOS is not allow to flash this version image.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL flash.
;This BIOSVFEnable flag is the switch of BIOSVersionFormat.
;FunctionEnable (dwsDWS)
; default : 0
; 0 : function is disabled.
; 1 : function is enabled.
;VersionFormat (dwsDWS)
; X : The field is masked. It will NOT be compared.
; N : The digit field can be ASCII, case-sensitive.
; T : It’s the same definition with N. But T is a case-insensitive.
; . : Dot is also a mask. It will NOT be compared.
; D : Don’t care field. It will NOT be compared.
; This field can be empty.
; It only allow to put at start or end of the version format.
; For example: Onboard version 1.21B flash to 1.22, VersionFormat must be N.NND
; N.NND means the valid format is N.NN and N.NNX, the 5th character will be ignore in version compare.

; Supports on WIN flash.
;This section is for conditional version definition for BIOS update.
;When this function enabled, flash utility will compare on board BIOS version with conditional version and then decide to continue flash progress or not.
;For example: In following condition PFVFunctionEnable=1, SingleVersion=A03, “Please update to BIOS version A03 first!”.
; When on board BIOS version is older than A03,
; it will pop up the error dialog with the message “Please update to BIOS version A03 first!” and then terminated.
; Otherwise it will continue original flash process.
;The MultiVersion1~20 are similar as SingleVersion, but they only available when the [Platform_Check] is enable to compare the 20 platform IDs.
;They must be pair of the PlatformName of [Platform_Check] section.
;For example: When the platform ID matches with PlatformName2, the Version2 will be used.
;PFVFunctionEnable (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Disable conditional version check.
; 1 : Enable conditional version check.
;SingleVersion (wW)
; default : empty.
; String : XXXX, “Message String”
; XXXX is the conditional version, regarding version check rule please refer section “BIOSVersionFormat”.
; “Message String” is the message to show when the on board BIOS version is older than the conditional version.
;MultiVersion1~20 (wW)
; default : empty.
; String : XXXX, “Message String”
; XXXX is the conditional version, regarding version check rule please refer section “BIOSVersionFormat”.
; “Message String” is the message to show when the on board BIOS version is older than the conditional version.
; The section is depended on other sections if using [PermitFlashVersion].
; a. If single version is enabled,
; Please also configure section [Bios_Version_Check] for version check
; b. If multi-version is enabled,
; Please also configure following sections [Bios_Version_Check] for version check,
; section [Platform_Check] for platform name check and section [PlatformVersion] for multi-platform version check

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL Secure flash.
;Action (dwsDWS)
; default : 2.
; 0 : Do nothing.
; 1 : Shutdown.
; 2 : Reboot.
;Dialog (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display dialog.
; 1 : Display dialog.
; 2 : Display dialog and wait several seconds.
;Counter (w)
; default : 15. (Unit is second)
; Integer : The number of seconds for countdown to reboot or shutdown.
;ActionOverride (w)
; default : 0
; 0 : This key is disabled. Flash utility bases action key setting to do original behavior.
; 1 : This key is enabled. Flash utility just does close itself in silent mode.
;Pause (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : disable to pause after flash complete.
; 1 : enable to pause after flash complete.
;PauseWarning (dwsDWS)
; default : messagestringA03
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

; Supports on WIN SHELL flash.
;EnableFlashSecureBIOSOverride (WS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Disable action override. Use the action which returned from BIOS.
; 1 : Enable the action override when flashing secure BIOS in OS.
;Action (WS)
; default : 1.
; 0 : S3.
; 1 : Reboot.
; 2 : Shutdown.
; 3 : Do nothing.

; Supports on WIN SHELL Secure flash.
;These areas are reported by IHISI from BIOS for protection.
;When you set the value to 1, the selected protect area will be force flash.
;ALL (wsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Reserve all protected areas.
; 1 : Flash all protected areas.
;BB_PEI, CPU_Microcode, Variable, DXE, EC, Password, OEM_NVS, Logo (wsDWS)
; They are the predefined types each one indicate a type value.
; BB_PEI = Type#00
; CPU_Microcode = Type#01
; Variable = Type#02
; DXE = Type#03
; EC = Type#04
; Password = Type#0F
; OEM_NVS = Type#10
; Logo = Type#05
; default : 0.
; 0 : Protect this area.
; 1 : Force flash this area.
;Type#NN (wsDWS)
; Type#NN is an extended method for those didnˇt have predefine type.
; The NN is a number in Hex.
; For example:
; If BIOS report to protect type 13h from IHISI, and you want to flash this protect area.
; Then the setting in platform.ini can add Type#13=1.
; default : 0.
; 0 : Protect this area.
; 1 : Force flash this area.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL Secure flash.
;This section is used to control SPI descriptor mode.
;Default is flash all regions when the values all set to 0.
;If any one of the regions set to 1, it will only flash specific regions.
;If the BIOS is built without additional Intel firmware as like ME, GBE and Descriptor
; or BIOS is an AMD firmware which does not support ME, please ignore this section.
;BIOS (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash BIOS region.
;GbE (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash GbE region.
;ME (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash ME region.
;DESC (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash Descriptor region.
;Platform_Data (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash.
; 1 : Flash Platform Data region.

; Supports on WIN SHELL Secure flash.
;Flag (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t flash EC by BIOS.
; 1 : Flash EC by BIOS.
;EC_Dialog (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t display confirm dialog when begin to update EC.
; 1 : Show confirm dialog.
;BIOS_Only (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Flash EC and BIOS file.
; 1 : Only flash BIOS part of the merge file.
;EC_Only (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Flash EC and BIOS file.
; 1 : Flash only EC binary file.
;EC_Path (w)
; default : empty.
; String : EC filename.
;EC_Compare (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t do compare before writing. Just do write action directly.
; 1 : Read EC and compare difference before writing.
; If the read data is the same as the data we want to write,
; it will not do the write action.
;EC_Verify (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t verify EC.
; 1 : Verify EC after writing.
;EC_VerifyErrorRetry (w)
; default : 3.
; Integer : Retry times.
; If the value is not zero means enable verify retry, and will retry setted times.
; 0 for disable verify retry.
;EC_DockWarning (dsS)
; default : messagestringA04
; String : A key name which list in [MessageStringTable].

; Supports on WIN flash.
;Flag (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Do not update extra data.
; 1 : Update extra data by IHISI.
; If new image is NOT processed by IFIT tool, please do not enable this function.
;DataType (w)
; default : 1.
; Integer : Integer number. The meaning of data type number will define by BIOS OEM.
; Now will support 1, 4~C.
; Ex:1,4,6,5 → Mean you want to update 1,4,6,5 Four type of data.
; Notice: 2, 3 cannot used.
;type#errorcode??=messagestringX (w)
; This key is for customizing error message which occur in update extra data.
; For example:
; When an error occur when updating type 4, BIOS return the error code A2.
; AP will find the key “type4errorcodeA2” and get the string ID “messagestring4”, and find the string in [MessageStringTable].
; Then shows the message string instead of standard error message.
; # : The type number define in DataType. (Hex)
; ?? : The error code returned by BIOS. Available value range A0~AF.
; X : Message string number.
;This feature will let you just input data to update by IHISI. Data type will define by BIOS OEM.
;If new image is NOT processed by IFIT tool, please do not enable this function.

; Supports on WIN SHELL flash.
;MEFileName (ws)
; default : empty.
; String : When this filename or Multi-FD ME filename exist, tool will run this case to flash ME.
;CheckVersion (w)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t check ME file version.
; 1 : Check ME file version.
; 2 : When ME flash error is cause of same version and downgrade version do not show error and continue to flash.
; 3 : When ME flash error, show error but continue to flash.
;Command (ws)
; default : empty.
; String : When this field is empty and don’t want to check ME version, utility will use “-f %filename -generic -allowsv” as default command.
; The %filename is a keyword which will be replaced with the value in MEFileName within this section or the filename in MULTI_FD section.
; The Intel firmware update tool (FWUpdLcl.exe) is dependent on each chipset generation, the tool in release flash package is a sample and may be not suitable for your project.
; Please remember to replace the FWUpdLcl.exe with right version before you will utilize function to update Intel firmware (ME or TXE).

; Supports on WIN SHELL flash.
;Flag (wsWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t log to file.
; 1 : Utility will log to specify file.
;FileName (wsWS)
; default : H2OFFT.log.
; String : Log filename.
;CMOS_Flag (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Disable CMOS debug.
; 1 : Enable CMOS debug.
; default : 70. (hex)
; 70 : Use 0x70 port as index port.
; 72 : Use 0x72 port as index port.
; default : 71. (hex)
; 71 : Use 0x71 port as index port.
; 73 : Use 0x73 port as index port.
; default : 0,0. (hex)
; CMOS_OFFSET=xx,yy the xx is high byte offset; yy is low byte offset, and the range is 0~FF (hex)

; Supports on WIN flash.
;FileNotFound (wW)
; default : 3.
; Integer : If utility can’t find the BIOS file, it will return this error code.
;ErrorBeforeFlash (wW)
; default : 4.
; Integer : If error occur before flash process, it will return this error code.
;BatteryNotConnect (wW)
; default : 4.
; Integer : If battery not connect, it will return this error code.
; (This error is separated from ErrorBeforeFlash.)
;BatteryCapacityNotEnough (wW)
; default : 4.
; Integer : If battery capacity not enough, it will return this error code.
; (This error is separated from ErrorBeforeFlash.)
;WriteROMFail (wW)
; default : 5.
; Integer : If error occur during write ROM process, it will return this error code.
;WriteECFail (wW)
; default : 6.
; Integer : If error occur during write EC process, it will return this error code.
;WriteExtraDataFail (wW)
; default : 7.
; Integer : If error occur during write Extra Data process, it will return this error code.
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

; Supports on WIN flash.
; default : 0.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 259.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 1602.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 1602.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 259.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 3010.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 1602.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
; default : 1602.
; Integer : Use input value as return code.
; 99999 : Use the default value above.
;The value behind comma is the return value in silent mode.

; Supports on DOS WIN SHELL Secure flash.
;DisableCompare (wsWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Read BIOS and compare difference before writing.
; If the read data is the same as the data we want to write,
; it will not do the write action.
; 1 : Don’t do compare before writing. Just do write action directly.
;DisableVerify (wsWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Verify BIOS after writing.
; 1 : Don’t verify BIOS after writing.
;VerifyErrorRetry (wsWS)
; default : 3.
; Integer : Retry times.
; If the value is not zero means enable verify retry, and will retry set times.
; 0 for disable verify retry.
;SMIErrorRetryDelay (wsWS)
; default : 100. (Unit is millisecond)
; Integer : Delay time during SMI error retry (millisecond).
;SMIErrorRetry (wsWS)
; default : 5.
; Integer : Retry times when SMI fail. (Note: This may let flash time become longer.)
;ForceIHISIVersion (w)
; default : empty.
; Version : This flag will force override the IHISI version which will passing to BIOS.
; Ex: 1.9.1
;EnablePrivateRegionMovement (w)
; default : 0
; 0 : Disable private region movement.
; 1 : Enable private region movement. It will backup orginal private region and relocate to new address which defined in new image BVDT when update whole BIOS.
;DisableSecureCapsuleFlash (dwsDWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Enable flash secure BIOS on normal platform.
; 1 : Disable flash secure BIOS on normal platform.

; Supports on WIN flash.
MsgCaption=Password confirmation
MsgPreface=Please enter password
MsgSuccess=Password is correct.
MsgFailure=Password is incorrect. Please retry again.
;PasswordCheckEnable (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Disable the password check function.
; 1 : Enable the password check function.
;MsgCaption (wW)
; default : “Password confirmation”
; String : The dialog box caption.
;MsgPreface (wW)
; default : “Please enter password”
; String : The preface of password entering.
;MsgSuccess (wW)
; default : “Password is correct.”
; String : The string displayed when the comparing result returned by BIOS is 0x00.
;MsgFailure (wW)
; default : “Password is incorrect. Please retry again.”
; String : The string displayed when the comparing result returned by BIOS is 0x01.

; Supports on DOS WIN Shell flash.
messagestring1="Warning message 1"
messagestringA00="It only supports to flash secure BIOS on current platform.\r\nThe image to be updated is not a secure BIOS.\r\n"
messagestringA01="Not allow to flash secure BIOS on current platform.\r\n"
messagestringA02="Please do not remove the AC power!"
messagestringA03="Press any key to continue… "
messagestringA04="Get EC part information fail."
messagestringA05="Insyde H2OFFT cannot run on battery power. Please plug in AC power and try again."
messagestringA06="Please insert system battery."
messagestringA07=“Battery is too low (%d < %d). Please charge your battery to %d%%.”
;messagestring# (dwsDWS)
; default : empty.
;The message string must as following format messagestring#=“Your message here.”
;The # is a number in Decimal or Hex.
;If a multi line message is required, you can use “\n” in message string for new line.

; Supports on Secure flash.
;Restore (DWS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : Don’t do FACTORY_COPY restore after flash.
; 1 : Restore FACTORY_COPY after flash BIOS.
;Factory copy is a region in BIOS which is used to store default keys of Secure Boot.

; Supports on DOS WIN flash.
;Flag (dw)
; default : 0.
; 0 : disable.
; 1 : enable Capsule Update Audit.
;QAKey (dw)
; default : empty.
; String : image file signing by Insyde QA test key.
;OemKey (dw)
; default : empty.
; String : image file signing by OEM/ODM key.

; Supports on WIN Shell flash.
;viaESP (WS)
; default : 0.
; 0 : disable.
; 1 : write the capsule to ESP (EFI system partition).
;PhysicalMemoryAllocateFailRetryTimes (W)
; default : 3.
; Integer : Retry times.
; If the value is not zero means enable physical memory allocate fail retry, and will retry setted times.
; 0 for disable retry.
; default : 500. (Unit is millisecond)
; Integer : Delay time during secure update plysical memory allocate fail retry (millisecond).

; Supports on WIN Secure flash.
;Flag (wW)
; default : 0.
; 0 : disable.
; 1 : enable auto power on via RTC.
;Interval (wW)
; default : 120.
; Integer : unit is second. interval time after system turn off.

@wizbee - W25Q64FW is 1.8V chip, do you have 1.8V adapter? Yes, if you dumped without adapter it’s corrupted, sometimes not as bad as others, you may be able to salvage some details sometimes.
But you can’t write without the adapter for sure. For W25Q64JV or W25Q64FW Use ASProgrammer and BV ID should write OK, if it fails try 1.30 and BV ID (Confirmed working). What software/version/CHIP ID did you use to do the write?

I need a link to your stock BIOS download page before I can comment further, or do anything else here, thanks! * Edit >> To your edit - I want the stock BIOS download page, please and thanks
I can say the dump “Looks” possibly corrupted, due to main DXE Volume does not expand properly, but that may be how stock BIOS looks, or may be due to the BIOS was initially left this way when it bricked on you, or could just be corrupted due to not using 1.8v adapter (or mix of both of the last two things)
How did the system initially brick?

I have already uploaded the BIOS dump of the BIOS chip and the factory stock BIOS which requires flash with APP. THE first link is the BIOS chip dump file, the second is the factory stock file which is a little bigger size than the dump. Maybe some checksum info included. I can boot and use but I did not solder well last time. Not sure corrupted or not. Can you update the EFI drivers?

@wizbee - Please link me to the stock BIOS download page as requested. Yes, I can probably update stuff in there for you, but I need to check out the stock BIOS first and I prefer to download that directly from the BIOS Download page, thanks