[Need Help] Bricked ECS H81H3-M7 BIOS (missing Intel ME Region)

Hello! I have an Casper (ECS) H81H3 M7 Mobo. When booted there was casper logo at the screen so i tried to flash manufacturer bios into it. Unfortunately i forgot to backup the old bios. After i flashed bios via afuwin, system only showed black screen. I tried using ch341a programmer and backed up the corrupted(?) BIOS and it had Descriptor and ME regions alongside BIOS region under Intel image tab. When i looked up in manufacturer’s bios with UEFITool i couldn’t see Intel image. There was only UEFI image and Descriptor and ME regions were absent. Im new so i have absolutely no idea if it necessary to have ME and Descriptor Regions in image file to boot the system. I cannot upload any attachments. Can somebody help or at least tell me where should i start?

You can find latest BIOS here.

Edit by Fernando: Thread moved into the better matching Category and title specified/customized

Those regions are indeed necessary. The tools of many vendors only update the bios region and backup the bios region- as in your case.

But you can store the files in cloud storage like onedrive, google drive (?), … and post links to the file.

There are several guides for using a CH341 and bios structure within the forum. Do some reading.

This is the bios from manufacturer website

This is the one thats corrupted

I have no problems using ch341. I tried flashing h81h3 m4(mine is m7 and yeah i know it wouldnt work but it was showing as intel image in UEFITool) BIOS which has ME and Descriptor regions but that didnt work. BIOS chip and corrupted BIOS are 8mb but bios’ without required regions are 6.5mb. I thought if i could move contents of the manufacturer bios into the corrupted bios it could work but i couldnt move anything and they arent even the same size. Id appreciate if you can help me.

In case drive links dont work

bozuk.bin.zip (3.8 MB)

Manufacturer BIOS(No ME and Descriptor Region)
30904817_W_3A65h.ROM.zip (2.5 MB)

The bios region of the dump is identical to the static parts of the stock bios. I assume that the ME wasn’t touched so it should be OK.

NVRAM of your dump looks suspicious, AmiStandardDefaultsVariable is no longer a folder in second (and only used) NVRAM, and there’s a GUID stored outside the (full) GUID store, the padding between last NVAR entry and GUID store shuold be free space:

I can’t see any machine specific data in NVRAM (like serials) but in the beginning of the Padding in bios region is a Windows code.

I’d try to FF the second NVRAM from 0x1A0000 to 0x1C0000 or - if the Windows code isn’t relevant- replace the bios region with the stock bios region (either hex editor or UEFITool)

If unsure post the file before flashing.

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By windows code do you mean activation key? If so its not that important to me. I’ll try to FF the sections you said. Secondly i cant replace stock region due to its size(and i dont exactly know how to). Can you explain me how to shrink stock region to correct size and replace it? Its my first time using hex editor and uefitool. I know im asking too much and sorry for that but id greatly appreciate if you send me corrected dump in case i miserably fail trying.

Why would you shrink the stock bios (= Vendor / ECS bios region update)? It’s 0x680000 as the bios region in your dump?

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I tried replacing and flashing and newest bios version didnt work but i managed to find a little bit older version and it WORKED! Im so happy right now and i really thank you for your help! It was a nice experience trying to get it to work. I will upload working bios in case anyone needs. Again, thank you for your help!
yeni 2.bin.zip (3.8 MB)

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Thanks for the feedback! Good to hear that it worked.

I couldn’t find any newer version? Where did you find it?

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I didnt use newer version. While searching for compatible files i found this link in another forum and used an older version:

What cpu do you have?

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Sorry forgot to click reply on your comment. Its xeon e3 1270v3

If zeni 2 bin is the firmware that works then it’s newer see the dates of the 306C3 µcode:

Thought not booting with the older bios might have to do with Haswell refresh CPU but E3 1270 v3 ist first Haswell generation.