Need help to create a way to mod Intel BIOSes ... ANYONE could help ...

Hi there,

as a few of you guys will know already, atm. it is impossible to “really” mod an X79-Intel BIOS (BIOS of “Intel Desktop Boards” like the DX79TO, DX79SR, DX79SI). You can’t change Option ROMs or other stuff, but I want to change that. And THAT is the point, where I need your help.

I found a tool called “iftc.exe” (Intel Flash Toolkit). It works on almost all 6/7/8 series mainboards, but X79 isn’t available. You can choose it from the list (C600 chipset), but the tool says, it is an unsupported chipset (not found in “database”). I found out, chipsets get “inserted” by a file called “vsccommn.bin”. So please, if you own the tool, send me your file, probably the X79 chipset is inserted somewhere.



Intel BIOSes with the extension .BIO are “disguised” AMI type BIOSes, which have to be switched to a real AMI BIOS. You will need a special tool named BIO2AMI (look >here<). After having done that, you can modify the BIOS by using the appropriate AMI Aptio UEFI MMToool. Once the modification has been finished, the BIOS file has to be reswitched to a .BIO file.
I am sorry, but I will not give you (and will not allow to publish within this Forum) a link to the BIO2AMI tool, because the use is dubious and many Antivirus tools will detect malware within it.

I tried it out, but my BIOS isn’t AMI. The tool doesn’t find the AMI string within and aborts operation.

… still in need of the config file for IFTC.EXE …


Since I haven’t yet seen here an expert regarding the modification of Intel mainboard BIOSes, I doubt, that you will find help within this Forum. Furthermore I don’t want any links to (illegal) SLIC modding tools.
That is why I recommend to post your request >here<.

They can’t help me! xD
I am regged there since a few years and they helped me with some other BIOS modding, but they cannot help me with this. One did send me many tools to insert SLICs, but nobody has managed to change modules, yet.

Ah, and don’t panik. I know, this "BIOS modding" stuff can be illegal, but I don’t want to do anything illegal and I don’t want to post illegal content here! I am just searching for the help Intel should give me. But since they don’t, I want to learn the stuff myself and "kick their 4$$3$".




When I am back home again next week and if I have time for doing some tests, I will try to modify your BIOS.
Please give me the link to the already extracted Intel BIOS and tell me, what exactly you want to get updated.

It has to be done within my system, live, while it is running, so you can’t help me. :wink:

But thank you for the offer.