Need Help to Know how to MOd my bios for acer helios 300 PH315-51-78NP

I want some assistance as to how i can mod my bios.
I would also like to do it myself i possible as i want to experience the experience.
@Lost_N_BIOS I would greatly apprecite your Help.

@islambtechno : Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
This Forum offers a lot of guides about how to modify the different sorts of mainboard BIOSes (AMI/Award/Phoenix/UEFI/Non-UEFI etc.). Search for them and follow the related guides.
By the way - our BIOS Guru Lost_N_BIOS hasn’t been online for several weeks. Nobody knows when he will come back.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

I have looked everywhere for guides to modify insyde bios but I haven’t had any luck if u can assist me by linking a guide that’ll be wonderful.

@islambtechno :
If you are sure, that your mainboard BIOS is an InsydeH2O type one, I recommend to enter “InsydeH2O” into the Forum’s Search box. Then you will find a lot of hints.
I personally can not help you, because I have no own experience with this kind of BIOS achitecture.

Ok thanks, I will try to search that.