need help with p8z77-v info editting

hello everyone im new here in the forum i would like to get some help
i ve been trying to change my motherboard info (uuid, serial number etc ) i ve used many methods (afu method ; dmi methods ) evry time i make the change when i restart it goes back to the original one im not an expert in this could someone help me please
here is some info BIOS Version: 2104
MEBx Version: Not available
Gbe Version: 1.3
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:
UNS Version: Not Available
LMS Version: Not Available
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

FW Capabilities: 0x01101C40

Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

CPU Upgrade State: Not Upgradable
Cryptography Support: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
BIOS Config Lock: Enabled
GbE Config Lock: Enabled
Host Read Access to ME: Enabled
Host Write Access to ME: Enabled
SPI Flash ID #1: EF4017
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20052005
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20052005
BIOS boot State: Pre Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
Capability Licensing Service Status: Permit info not available
OEM Tag: 0x00000000
Localized Language: Unknown
Independent Firmware Recovery: Disabled

ps: i allready flashed the bios with a modded one
thanks in advance

Use FD44 editor on the ROM/BIN prior to flashing the chip to add your MAC & UUID. Either open it and then open the bios file, or drag the bios file onto an opened FD44 Editor window. You can also extract this info from a backup bios file if you have one.

Your MEInfo output is normal for this board/BIOS.

Here’s mine:
BIOS Version: 2104
MEBx Version: Not available
Gbe Version: 1.5
VendorID: 8086
PCH Version: 4
FW Version:
UNS Version:
LMS Version:
MEI Driver Version:
Wireless Hardware Version: Not Available
Wireless Driver Version: Not Available

FW Capabilities: 0x01101C40

Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service - PRESENT/ENABLED
Protect Audio Video Path - PRESENT/ENABLED
Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader - PRESENT/ENABLED

CPU Upgrade State: Not Upgradable
Cryptography Support: Disabled
Last ME reset reason: Power up
Local FWUpdate: Enabled
BIOS Config Lock: Enabled
GbE Config Lock: Enabled
Host Read Access to ME: Enabled
Host Write Access to ME: Enabled
SPI Flash ID #1: EF4017
SPI Flash ID VSCC #1: 20052005
SPI Flash BIOS VSCC: 20052005
BIOS boot State: Post Boot
OEM Id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Capability Licensing Service: Enabled
Capability Licensing Service Status: Permit info not available
OEM Tag: 0x00000000
Localized Language: Unknown
Independent Firmware Recovery: Disabled (3.83 MB)

i tried it dosnt work it goes back to the original …

How are you flashing the chip? If you use the FTK’s batch files, it will backup your current BIOS and take the UUID, MAC, and serial from it and inject it prior to flashing using fd44cpr. You would instead need to run the following command, where bios.bin is your edited bios file: “fptw -rewrite -f bios.bin”

here is my discord pistolero#5169 if you can help me i can pay you if it works thak you