I am trying to extract a BIOS from the ASRock exe here: https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/P67%20Ex…/index.asp#BIOS v2.10
I keep reading I need AMIUCP but I cannot find that utility anywhere. Can someone share?
Thanks! Do you have the AMIUCP utility or any utility to extract these in case I need to do it again in the future?
@X7JAY7X :
Why don’t you simply download the BIOS variant, which is designed for being flashed by using the ASROCK “Instant Flash” tool?
Or is such variant not offered for your mainboard by ASROCK?
For this particular model only the EXE is offered. I am regularly working on different motherboards so having a utility would be helpful. Can you share AMIUCP?
No. AFAIK the Company AMI doesn’t offer this tool for the customers.
Thank you very much