Needing advice for ROM update

I assume that when nothing happens it means it did not work.

I followed CPL0 steps about doing uncompressed and when I click “Insert” I get no error message nor nothing on the list changes.

As far as getting rid of a PCI module? Maybe the Marvell controller that runs the eSATA (in back) and IDE port (front edge of mobo) could be sacrificed. I wonder how much space we can get removing those and which one are they on the list in MMTools?

Here are the three tests I did with the various RST’s and OROM’s. File name has the setting and version for anyone who wants to see what my situation is.

BIOS AHCI, Driver with OROM

BIOS AHCI, Driver with OROM


Non-compressed OROM


Here’s both P6T firmware’s, one with compressed OROM and one with uncompressed OROM. (1.85 MB)

@CPL0 - Thanks. I’ll keep these.

So what would the BIOS do if I delete the Marvell Controller from the ROM file? In the P6T Deluxe v2 the Marvell Controller was for an eSATA port in the rear and an IDE port along the front of the board. I only saw this option to turn on/off under the “Onboard options” area. Would that line item just disappear in the BIOS? I never use it, I always have had it shut off. Would that make some space?

It is PCI\VEN_11AB&DEV_6121 and just like the picture below it is 0.00%

@ denaba:

If you don’t use the Marvell Controller, you probably can remove the 11AB-6121 ROM module without risking any disadvantage. This may give you the needed space to get the Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527 properly working. Additionally you should set the Marvell Controller to DISABLED within the BIOS.
Don’t forget to save the modified BIOS after you have removed the Marvell OROM and before you are going to insert the Intel RAID ROM.

Nevertheless I recommend to try at first step what CPL0 has suggested. It will be very interesting for all of us to see, if this will solve the problem you have now.

A couple of things happened.

Removed the Marvell PCI ROM and then installed

After I updated the BIOS and got the RAID screen so you were right there; it made enough room. Everything seemed well, but then I had issues.

First, I had momentary pauses while on the desktop. Just moving the mouse seemed to cause this. This started about 20 minutes of just reading files, moving some files (cleaning up desktop of notes)

Second, while playing some video games; about 7 minutes in to each game I got momentary pauses every 10-13 seconds apart. It would hit like 2 or three times and then nothing for another 10-13 minutes and then do it again.

So I just went back to OROM with the Marvell OROM and all of these issues went away. Weird.

@ denaba:
Thanks for your report.
So the issues happened in AHCI mode? It is hard to believe, that they are caused by the updated Intel RAID ROM module.
Maybe there is still a minor space problem within the BIOS.
If you like to do an additional test, I suggest to remove the Marvell OROM and the OEM Logo before you insert the Intel RAID ROM v11.2.0.1527. Maybe this will solve the problems you got by just removing the Marvell ROM module.

Hello denaba,

I know this is an old post but I just got my hands on the same ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 and did mod the bios with the in order to get the Intel RAID to see the full 4TB of my drive but with my MOD the Intel Raid ROM ^I menu just dissapears. I have tried everything and can’t get it to work. I want to setup a Raid1 with the 4TB’s but can’t from the bios raid. Any chance you still have your BIOS mod handy for this ASUS?