New Windows 10 Install - RAID no longer recognised. Help!


I have an issue with my RAID.

I had a 3 x HDD RAID (I believe it’s a RAID5, but could be wrong) installed on Windows 10. The OS was installed on a separate SSD.

About a month ago, after a Windows update, I got an “INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE” error. For some reason my system didn’t automatically (after 3 rebots) go into the advance boot-up option, and I couldn’t manually force the advance boot option.

I resorted to formatting the SDD and re-installing a new Windows 10 install. Prior to doing the install on the SSD I unplugged my RAID HDD’s as I didn’t want to risk losing any data.

Windows is now working fine on my SSD. However after plugging in my RAID drives, Windows does not recognise the RAID drive. I do have a “D” drive in Windows Explorer, but when selecting the D folder I receive a message advising that the drive must be formatted before being able to be used.

My question I am hoping you can assist with is how do I configure my new Windows 10 install to recognise my RAID drives?

Thanks for your help!

@RogerRoger33 :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
You obviously have installed the OS in AHCI mode. That is why the OS couldn’t get access to your already existing RAID array.
If I am right, you can solve the problem by setting the SATA mode to RAID from within the BIOS and to reinstall the OS onto the SSD.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)