no audio on F2A55-M LE motherboard

Hello, I hope to write in the correct section. maybe my motherboard has a problem since I can’t hear the audio, neither on windows nor on linux.
the model of my motherboard is this:…specifications/
I updated the last available bios. I tried to deactivate and reactivate the audio from the bios. nothing to do. I’m afraid it may depend on the HDMI port on the same motherboard.

It’s nothing to do with HDMI on board. Uninstall your graphics driver package, and install it again and make sure you don’t install HDMI audio driver from graphics package.
Then install Realtek Audio Driver from Asus site

Then read manual and make sure you have speakers connected into correct port in rear.

yes I’ve already done all these things you’ve written, both on windows and on linux

Audio chip may be bad, this board is 12+ years old. You may need to get cheap $5 audio card.