NVIDIA Graphics Drivers for Win7

Ive found Windows 7 graphics drivers for NVIDIA, mostly from the 3,000 to the 1,000 series. If you want to request any, let me know.

NVIDIA driver pack:

This driverpack supports

All 3000 series notebook GPUs (except TI GPUs, don’t know why)
All 3000 series GPUs
All 2000 series GPUs (does not support notebook series)
MX500 series
MX400 series
MX300 series
MX200 series
MX100 series
All 1600 series GPUs

That list is all that is mentioned in the config file (I believe) but the website states this driver pack has support for many more.

For the 4000 series, there are some small projects. I’ve heard about one to support the GPU, but I forgot whats its called. If you know, please reply. Sorry if this is a low quality post, I dont have time to add more details.