[Offer] ASrock H97M Pro4 Complete update with Rebar Support

List of updated modules:
ME Firmware Ver: →
Disk Controller

  • EFI Intel RST for SATA - →
  • OROM Intel RST for SATA - → (“Universally Trim Modified” rom)

Video OnBoard

  • EFI GOP Driver HSW-BDW - 5.5.1032 → 5.5.1034
  • OROM VBIOS HSW-BDW - 1038 → 1044


  • EFI Intel PRO1000 UNDI - 6.1.14 → 6.6.04
  • OROM Intel Boot Agent GE - 1.5.50 → 1.5.62

306C1: FFFF0013 → FFFF0014
306C3: 24 → 28
40671: 1D → 22

Download: H97MP42-Mod.zip (7.2 MB)

To enable rebar you need to use modgrub, follow this guide from step 5. VarOffset of 4g decoding of this board is 0x1.


Thank you for your work. Any chance you can do one for H94 Pro 4? (not the “M” version) Thank you! link to the bios is not the latest one but thats the one i need!
I’m only interested in ReBar option, as i get errors on compiling DSDT and i don’t know how to fix them!

Hello, sorry for the late reply, i’ve been busy irl and i just have the mood to make this one.

Here you go, try this: H97P4Rbar.rar (7.2 MB)

If you successfully update to this bios, could you see PCI Subsystem Settings > Above 4G Decoding in the bios menu?

Thank you!!! Actually no, i will have to use ami bcp to unhide the hidden settings. I will give a try and let you know.

Edit: Yes i can see it.

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Please try if the toggle work, just make sure to disable CSM before doing so, use rebarstate for any other card than gtx 16 and rtx 20 series, use nvstrapsrebar for turing cards. I update everything in the bios except mcode for 306C3 since i guess you wont need anything for it

My gpu is a RX580
It is working even it says : no hardware support, unsupported gpu ? Probably i will install later on the drivers fro Nimez. Thank you for your help!!!

Well it is normal for gpuz to say that, but as long as in Advanced > Vulkan there is no 256MB memory heap, and in adrenaline > performance > tuning, resizable bar toggle is enabled (red), then rebar is working as intended.

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I think it needed a couples of reboots. Now i turn on pc and there no 256 memory in vulkan, also Rebar is enabled in adrenaline. Again thank you for your help.

The only problem is black screen till windows loads. I can see the “old bios boot sequence” , press del to enter bios, and have a black screen. I don’t remember now where i read about this problem on this forum!

Maybe try to update the gpu vbios gop to latest available gop? Polaris latest is at 1.70.

Or maybe try to enable igpu to see if it does the same when igpu is used aswell.

Hi, can you make a bios for H97M Pro 4 that can run Tpm 2.0 and OC i7-4790 non-k?

Thank you for your work on this! I tried to do the same based on the ReBarUEFI project wiki, but was unsuccessful when trying to recompile the AML with iasl.

I loaded your modified BIOS on my H97M Pro4, disabled CSM, enabled Above 4G decoding (by setup_var 0x1 0x1 in the grub command line), and used ReBarState to allow for 8GiB maximum BAR size. When I boot into Windows 10 with Above 4G enabled, my video card doesn’t show up. In device manager it shows a “Code 12: this device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.” on a PCI-to-PCI bridge device. When I had a GTX 1070 Ti installed, it showed that card as a child device of that non-working PCI-to-PCI bridge device, so it seems that’s the device that GPU slot is on.

I have tried disabling onboard devices: audio, LAN, serial port, parallel port, etc. I’ve also tried lowering the PCIe gen to both PCIe 2 and PCIe 1 with no luck.

I’m trying to get this to work so I can use my Arc A770 on this PC with decent performance. Any ideas on why this might be happening or how it could be fixed? Thanks!

I saw on the troubleshooting/common problems in the wiki that 32GB RAM can sometimes be problematic, so I took out two sticks leaving only 16GB RAM and tested it that way, but still no luck.

Interestingly, some people have claimed to get even 1GB of ReBAR to work without Above 4G decoding enabled, but I can’t manage to get that working either. I tried a few versions of GPU-Z and none of them seem to want to launch – complaints about the driver not initializing or something. But even checking in Windows device manager in “resources by type” doesn’t show any “large memory” sections, which seems to be a more definitive way of checking it.

I’ve also tried various values from 512MB, 1024MB, 4096MB, 8192MB, 16384MB, and “unlimited” in ReBarState, in case it just didn’t like some of those values.

I also created a new installation of Windows 11 to test it just to remove any possibility that my previous Windows 10 instance was an issue.

I’m pretty stumped here, so if anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears. Thanks!

Attacking this from the other side (i.e. going through all the steps to try to modify the UEFI myself), I get to the DSDT patching step in the ReBarUEFI wiki (DSDT Patching · xCuri0/ReBarUEFI Wiki · GitHub) and add the sections per the documentation. When I try to recompile the modified .dsl file with iasl, I get some errors that I can’t figure out how to fix:

Intel ACPI Component Architecture
ASL+ Optimizing Compiler/Disassembler version 20241212
Copyright (c) 2000 - 2023 Intel Corporation

DSDTMod.dsl   9388:         Scope (_SB.PCI0.SDMA)
Error    6161 -                               ^ One or more objects within the Pathname do not exist (_SB.PCI0.SDMA)

DSDTMod.dsl   9430:         Device (I2C0)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl   9551:         Device (I2C1)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl   9669:         Device (SPI0)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl   9750:         Device (SPI1)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl   9843:         Device (UA00)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl   9924:         Device (UA01)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

DSDTMod.dsl  10017:         Device (SDHC)
Error    6141 -    Missing dependency ^  (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR)

ASL Input:     DSDTMod.dsl -  597034 bytes   7707 keywords      0 source lines

Compilation failed. 8 Errors, 137 Warnings, 183 Remarks
No AML files were generated due to compiler error(s)

Mostly missing dependencies.

when you mention “To enable rebar you need to use modgrub, follow this guide from step 5. VarOffset of 4g decoding of this board is 0x1.”, where is “this guide” you are referring to? I got this to where my above 4g is showing enabled but am trying to get resizable BAR working. Thanks.

I think he’s probably referring to this guide: Enabling hidden 4G decoding · xCuri0/ReBarUEFI Wiki · GitHub

Though it’s probably step 7 or 8 now.

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Much appreciated I’ll look into it thanks!

Hello, can you release an ASRock Z97 pro4 BIOS of the same type ? 8mb size (Above 4G+Resiz.BAR)