[OFFER] Asus P7P55 LX

Modified BIOS for Asus P7P55 LX motherboard

- ME 6 removed with me_cleaner
- updated microcodes for CPUID 20652, 20655 and 106E5 (for spectre)
- updated realtek lan option rom

Flash in dos with supplied bupdater (or download it from the asus site). Seems to work fine here.

asus-p7p55lx.zip (933 KB)

Thanks, but how are your CPU temps with this BIOS? Mine is permanently stuck near 98C, probably due to me_cleaner. I assume that the reading is way off, but not sure how that affects anything else.

Nevermind, the heat sink must have been knocked loose last time I moved the computer. Once it was reseated my temps were back to normal. Thanks!