[Offer] ASUS Rampage V Extreme - modded BIOSes

NvStrapsRebar works on every Nvidia GPU tested so far.

The actual problem is the driver dealing with large BAR sizes.

Turing has no issues and sees fps gains.

Pascal doesn’t work (BSOD).

Kepler works but the driver cannot take advantage of it.

Volta is untested and could possibly work like Turing does.

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You seem to be confusing ReBarUEFI/ReBarState and NvStrapsRebar.

In your case you don’t want ReBarUEFI/ReBarState because they do absolutely nothing on NVIDIA GPUs before Ampere.

NvStrapsRebar with the ffs in BIOS is what you need. Just patch BIOS by yourself instead of trying incorrectly made ones here.

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No it is not the same one, you can check the hash and dates are different:

RAMPAGE-V-EXTREME-ASUS-4101_MOD_NSRB_Turing (HWE 0x49, BWE 0x40) → it has NvStrapsRebar.ffs module (it is the BIOS you asked for, I just build it last after my last message), you can look for “NvStrapsRebar” with MMTool at “Volume 02 Index 188”.

RAMPAGE-V-EXTREME-ASUS-4101_MOD_RB (HWE 0x49, BWE 0x40) → it has ReBarDxe.ffs module

Still stuck on code 94 upon restart (After flashing the bios), again, neither clearing cmos, pushing memok or safe mode won’t bypass it, tried it several restarts, still stuck.


Thanks for everything though, if anything arises, I will update, thanks.

Good day.
I made my first bios a while ago, probably last year I think. It was the rampage v edition 10 which I based off of the 2101 download from the Asus support site. I remember correctly I updated the other components of the board as much as possible for my specific use case that is which was 14.*** something or another for the SATA,

well bloody hella type the rest of that message into my phone as I was screen sharing and it send and it didn’t send into this window because I am way too tired and have been turned my computer repair way too long today and I just completely messed that up. dohhh.

I don’t have time to be type all that right now unfortunately as I have to get this deadline on this truck done by Friday and right now my computer is not being so friendly.

basically I was trying to say hi and thank you guys for the work you’ve done and explain that I’ve modded the bios for this as well with a rebar mod That was letting me address all 24 gigabytes of my GTX 3090 or at least it was according to the Nvidia panel GPU z and something in the device manager that you could check that with as well I can’t remember what at this moment. But it seems like there’s stuff that wasn’t working according to what I’m reading in here and I’m wondering if you happen to think that I was just getting a placebo like you know it was saying it was working and it wasn’t kind of thing cuz it’s if so I would be happy to mod the correct components on there and I guess I’m just trying to catch up and also maybe ask you guys for a bit of advice on that because I don’t think I have the time to figure that out myself right this moment unfortunately.

The BIOS I made is on this site It’s a 2102 modded with the mirror code 22 for Broadwell i-7 6850K. It’s got the 14-point something or another SATA driver upgraded components and I upgraded everything else that was upgradable and some what applicable applicable .

I apologize for the poor formatting and probably numerous typos and such of this message It’s a voice to text from my cell phone while I’m in my studio trying to produce music and fix my computer at the same time I’m also kind of tired but I mean while I assure you and I really want to thank you again for everything you guys have done if you happen to know that by us that I put up there is useless and you want to let me know I would be very happy with that. not happy that I made a useless bios mind you, but I appreciative of the sharing of knowledge I suppose would be a better statement there.
a high tide raises all boats.

Just a little heads up my 6850K has been running I think number eight or seven on the overclocking world challenge maybe the 264 or the 265 overclocking world challenge still there I’m pretty sure since 2018 maybe and it’s not a special golden chip or anything like that I’ve just been overclocking rigs for 16 years now pretty heavily and building them for about 24 my uncle started the first Macintosh store in Nova Scotia Canada where I live so I had the benefit of having a computer at an extremely young age just gave me a better knowledge than a lot of people on them because I had one longer or something smarter than anybody you guys are probably quite a bit more advanced than me but I do have a lot of information on this particular platform if anybody happens to have any questions and stuff and they want an extra opinion I definitely don’t offer any promises but I do have a lot of experience and I really would like to be able to offer something for all the knowledge and help I’ve gotten from reading this form over the years.

thanks y’all I got to go. Oh shit I should mention I’m having a bunch of USB problems with my rig right now If anybody has some sort of idea of something that might be useful for me there I mean I’ve got every different kind of USB diagnostic that I know of and it just don’t know what it is that’s the issue overall in the end but if you know something that you think I don’t I would love to know.

thanks y’all much love.


I am quite sure that I put the rebar UEfi/ rebar state and not the nv strap on my mod.
I’m not exactly sure what an ampere nvidia GPU I have the 3090 GTX only for the reason that the 24 gigabytes of VRAM is extremely useful for me live streaming.

do I need to remake that BIOS with the NV strap component as opposed to what I had in there and if so is that something that anybody else would want because last time I just made mine and pop the 6850K 22 mirror code in there but if I’m going to remake behind I can probably fire a couple of them up at the same time pretty pretty much without really taking me any extra time raises once you’re in there and there it’s not hard to add a couple extra things to some people. I would be happy to do it if anybody requests and if I do have to remake mine anyway which I don’t know that I do but hopefully one of you keen individuals will be able to tell me that. :raised_hands:. I will try to keep an eye on this form as I’m terrible with communication in general I don’t spend a lot of time on anything beside synthesizers and drum machines usually But I would love to have some friends who are also techy so I’ll try to stick around and maybe we can vibe is.

https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/offer-asus-rog-rampage-v-edition-10-resizablebar-mod-v2101-microcode-22-for-i7-6850k/93910here is my rebar enabled bios attempt. I never did a straight up benchmark baby test between the two biases one without it and one with it so I don’t have that information but it does seem to check every other box although next week I’m going to do that when some done with these deadlines and my shows on the weekend and stuff.

because if any good to anybody then sweet. I will have to remake it anyway sometime in the next couple of months because since I have made that one they have fixed the issue where the BIOS does not change the above 4g decoding back to its default setting on a CMOS clear meaning if you have to clear your CMOS then you may very well have to Flash the bios again to get it working and that’s since been fixed so I am planning on doing that anyway if anybody else wants some other stuff thrown in feel free to let me know and I’ll be happy to do it for you.

question regarding bias modding. I was hoping to be able to change all the defaults in the bios to match what I normally have everything set to anyway not overclock was but like every single time I reset my bios before the computer boots I always have to disable the onboard audio, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, cstates, speed step, and you know like some other general stuff that needs to be done along those lines that doesn’t play well with pro audio stuff. I took a good crack of trying to figure out how to make those changes the last time I moded a bias but that was the first time I’ve ever done it and I’m certainly not used to when it comes to finding my way around stuff but this is definitely out of my pay grade in general. I gave up before I figured out how to do that. does anybody know if that is possible and if so maybe a link to how I would go about doing it?

I’ll report back with my findings on my bios versus the one without the rebar to see if I’m getting any actual performance different set of it does seem like it but I don’t know we’ll find out.

peassss from the East yo

Hello guys, i tried to patch the 4101 bios for my Asus Rampage V Extreme ( the red n black version) , but when i try to read/copy it has protection, and can’t go forward, i checked on Miyconst Mi899 , and in the commentaries he said, there’s a protection so you’ll need to flash it by external device " flash programmer BIOS CH341A "also i read all answers here in the forum about the topic other threads , and other forums.

Well, there’s my question, anybody has the 4101 Bios modded for Xeon 2696v3 processor
( or some that i can use for my trouble)?

i want to make the Turbo Boost Unlock on the motherboard for that family processors 26XXv3.
I have the .bin Bios 4101 modded , but i can’t rename to .cap , for Asus cause this motherboard has protection r/w.

If anybody can give me some data or the bios modded for my problem i appreciate all the info, i was investigating weeks but i’m still learning, thank you everyone.

Hello everyone I need a hand from you, I have a Rampage Extreme V with Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697A v4 and 64gb ddr4 ram Vengeance pro rgb and a TUF-RTX3060-12G-GAMING, I would like to enable the resizable bar, I downloaded the file RAMPAGE-V-EXTREME-ASUS-4101_MOD_RB (HWE 0x49, BWE 0x40) and copied in the main folder of my usb the file R5E. CAP, but when I try to start the flashback with the pc switched off, the led flashes a 4 times, but then stays fixed and nothing happens.
Any ideas?

USB model or file system is the issue, smallest USB possible but another brand/model.
If the issue persists, try a regular .CAP to see if the issue is the USB disk or hw issue on the Asus BIOS IC (USB BFB feature control) that is under the PCH heatsink.

I finally solved the problem of the usb not being read, but now I have another problem, once the flash is finished my card stays on ‘91’ after 10 seconds it shuts down.
Could it be this version is not compatible with my Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697A?

Hi, I am not an expert in this and I am not sure which microcode your CPU might need. This is possible that this is a compatibility issue.

I found this, can it help?
CPUID : 406F1

Intel Microcode Update Revision : 0xB00002C

Hi, did you eventually get this to work? I also get stuck on error code 94 using a RTX 3090. Seems the above 4G decoding and CSM defaults needs to be changed?

CPUID 406F1 is for the Broadwell-E chip. Latest microcode is 0xB000040. Yours is very old, maybe try to update it first with the latest ASUS official bios 4101, it should update it to 0xB000036.

I am also using a RTX 3090, the graphic card VBIOS need to be updated with ReBar (most manufactuers have provided updated VBIOS for this) because most RTX 3090 does not have ReBar from factory.
4G Decoding needs to be enable (this is not the default BIOS value). Not sure about the impact of CSM but mine is disabled (this is not the default BIOS value).

hello i already have the latest ASUS official bios 4101, and i have as microcode 0xB000038 can you create the bios with rebar with this?

Hello, I do not know how to change the microcode in a BIOS, I used the modded BIOS from this thread, here is the official BIOS with just ReBar, it should not downgrade your microcode:

RAMPAGE-V-EXTREME-ASUS-4101_RB (HWE 0x43, BWE 0x36).zip (8.3 MB)

Yes, this worked for me, finally rebar activated!!! :clap:
Many thanks Bro :heart: