Normally you mount the file on a USB FAT32 formatted drive and use the USB flashback port identified on page 2-12 of your manual.
as noted by eldon on another thread:
"for some reason bios flashback worked with an usb3 ntfs usb drive and not on a fat32 usb2"
BTW updated to latest network EFI/ROMs and microcode updated to v28 in post #1 of this thread.
He was just lucky with that USB that day, it’s not required or anything, and is not the norm to even be compatible
However, as you know, finding one that works is required Smaller, older = better, 128MB-2GB Best, try FAT and FAT32. If you have to use larger ones, you can try partition down to 1GB and test FAT/FAT32
You may need to try 5+ USB Sticks before you find a good one that works, look in the back of your drawers, or old boxes, for old small USB sticks
I have found a very strange issue with your bios, RAM won’t pass 1333. I tried everything, manual, XMP and so on and totally stuck at 1333.
I flashed back the original 2103 and RAM was working as planned just by ticking XMP…
So strange but I can reproduce it every time now…
Any idea ?
Thank you very much for the mod BIOS! Now, with the proximity of Win11, could you re-mod the mod to include TPM 2.0 support?
I own a Gryphon Z87 motherboard and I successfuly managed to buy and downgrade -to v1.2- a TPM module from Supermicro.
Had to do this because ASUS no longer commercialize the following:
[ URL to ASUS TPM-L-R2-0 module ]
Luckily, the AOM-9665V-C works like a charm, but the latest Gryphon’s BIOS update doesn’t support TPM 2.0 (required by Windows 11).
If you upload a new mod BIOS with this TPM 2.0 support I’ll just upgrade my TPM module to v2.0.
Can you please at least reply to me? Or tell me how can I modify your mod? Thanks in advance.
This is a user forum, not a 24 tech support service so users respond when they have spare time…
Lost has been away since January, if ur referring to him. To notify a user use, @xxxxxxxxx
TPM mod is not possible in all uefi bios, lots of requests but we know that most of them wont be possible, (older chipsets below Intel 100series even more critical)…still, its too early for final possibilities, till W11 come out officially.
@MeatWar : Sorry, didn’t read the previous Lost’s post about posting in 'Win-Raid Forum (Drivers - Firmware - Modding) > latest posts.'
And I tried to reference @hancor (my bad), who posted the modified BIOS file.
Anyway, thanks for your reply. I’m aware that TPM 2.0 extensions can be aggregated from SABERTOOTH Z87’s .CAP file into the Gryphon’s one (being both with the Z87 chipset). So I’d like to know how could I accomplish such task and what tools should I investigate.
Maybe comparing byte by byte (hex format involved?) I’ll be able to merge the changed/missing pieces from one .CAP file into the other one.
The URL for ASUS SABERTOOTH Z87 is (https asus com part missing): /us/SupportOnly/SABERTOOTH Z87/HelpDesk_BIOS/
There, you can see TPM 2.0 support was added in 2017/04/07.
U cant just do that kind or merging like u think, it doesnt work like that, this is messing with the hole UEFI structure of a bios and the hardcoded data (Not visible to u), u cant simply add a set of string/variabale only on the visual side of it.
This is the thread that can give u an insight of current attempts: Cannot enable Intel PTT (TPM 2.0) at ASUS motherboard
with some sucess on chipsets higher than urs.
Ur request and others is the same anxiety as it was a few months ago with RBAR for old chipsets… seems that was realize that couldn’t be easy done, period.
But this is only my opinion… dont get me wrong, keep ur hopes
Good luck.
EDIT: By the way… where did u saw any info to support wot ur saying “I’m aware that TPM 2.0 extensions can be aggregated from SABERTOOTH Z87’s .CAP file into the Gryphon’s one (being both with the Z87 chipset).”
Check these threads/topics (the last one created by me - https part missing):
Oh… yes i know wot his doing…never finished and never will, seems easy but as i said the hardcoded data doesnt match and always get bricked, again my opinion only.
When u find a successful case in 6/7/8/9 chipsets ill apologise to u then.
EDIT: No, i never used any terms so called extensions… dont know where u heard of it. And i never said anything like "are ‘simpler’ to merge", dont try to get more rabbits from the hat.
Now that u already have the knowledge of 2 tools used by others… get urself to work then.
Right, I just thought that TPM 2.0 extensions/modules/whatever they called could be changed/merged from one BIOS file to another, as this guy did:
But I guess it’s not the same thing… It seems (by your post) that NVMe extensions are ‘simpler’ to merge, and that the TPM ones depend on hardcoded data.
Did I get that right?
I have flashed the Z87GP bios to my Asus Gryphon z87, used flash back and the lights indicate the bios was flashed. Using HWiNFO64 it shows the MCU 28.
I have tried all the configurations in bios it will not recognize the ssd+adapter in any of the PCIE slots. The ssd is working tested before. Am I missing something? If any of you have used this mod and it works can you share your bios settings . Thanks
I also have issue with RAM speed.
The XMP profile is not working after updating the bios.
The RAM speed stuck at 1333 Mhz.
If I flash original bios from asus site the XMP will work fine.
With XMP profile selected my RAM now works at 1866 Mhz
Try this one, Asus BFB only, no EZflash or Windows enviroment.
v2103 09-2022
Report back to the forum plz.
Notes: Old mcodes and pre-spectre are an option on enthusiasts users.
306C1 Haswell ES Xeon E3 v3
cpu306C1 _plat32_verFFFF0014 _2012-07-25_PRE_E86E3EB1.bin
306C2 Haswell ES Xeon E3 v3
cpu306C2 _plat32_verFFFF0006 _2012-10-17_PRE_30531EB4.bin
306C3 Haswell, Haswell Xeon E3 v3
cpu306C3 _plat32_ver00000019 _2014-02-26_PRD_97F2CB42.bin
v19 Supposed to the be best for OC.
cpu306C3 _plat32_ver00000022 _2017-01-27_PRD_AD518A4E.bin
I have downloaded and flashed that updated one but still memory speed stuck on 1333 Mhz
Please check the screenshot below
If I use following file form ASUS website ASUS Original Bios GRYPHON-Z87-ASUS-2103
The memory speed is perfect 1866 Mhz
Please check the screenshot below
Is this possible you only add NVME module and don’t update CPU microcode and give me the that update file. I think it may be works.
Sure… go for it: [HowTo] Get full NVMe support for all Systems with an AMI UEFI BIOS - Special Topics / NVMe Support for old Systems - Win-Raid Forum (level1techs.com)
Which tool I want to use first MMTool or UBU ? or I can use both tools in any sequence
MMtool, UBU is not for NVMe mod.
EDIT: The previous mod was not what you wanted…so then you asked a bios mod with ONLY NVMe…then the answer is the tool: MMtool.
If asked for a tool for updating the bios modules then i would answer: UBU
Clear enough for you now?
Ok but if I want to update disk controller and Network controller then I need to use UBU also. That’s why I am asking you about which tool use first.