[Offer] GA-B85M-HD3 BIOS with NVMe Support

i just created GA-B85M-HD3 BIOS rev 2.0 with NVMe Support i want to share it but dont know exactly where. cant post it here sens im a new user I have tested it and worked fine :slight_smile:

host link https://www.mediafire.com/file/aaounx95dzb1z85/modekeke.zip/file

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Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum and thanks for offering your modded BIOS here.
I have customized the thread title a little bit and moved the thread into the better matching “Offers: Already modded special BIOSes” Category.
Enjoy the Forum!


I have waited for a bit now and it still says “Sorry, new users can not upload attachments.” can i send it to you and could you upload it. :,)

Please upload the file as *.ZIP or *.RAR archive to any hoster (e.g. MEGA or MediaFire) and add the link to your start post.

oki, thank you and sorry for being dum :stuck_out_tongue: