[Offer] HP 280 G2 SFF B0 Coffeelake BIOS Mod

For anyone that needs coffeelake B0 support on these annoying mainboards, I thought I’d post this here.
I am providing the latest original BIOS with no DMI for anyone that has a corrupted BIOS and one with CFL B0 support for Windows 11 compatibility. It’s already in MPM mode so as long as you have your DMI info you can input it in the BIOS manually before exiting.

Here are the files:

To make the mod work I had to remove one microcode 506E8 KBL A0. It still has 906E9 KBL B0, 506E3 SKL R0 and now 906EB CFL B0. If your CPU falls into any of those microcodes you should be fine.

This is only possible thanks to karfel whom pointed me in the right direction.
