@31101958 - Thanks - Hopefully one will work! I checked both USB submenu that is visible to you, and the Hardware Monitor that isn’t, and both were set to "show menu + Access Level = Reserved"
Based on that, I assumed both should be visible to you, or not, but something else must be what is controlling the hidden or visible, probably whatever is checked about "Reserved"
So I checked the hardware monitor to Show menu + User and Show Menu + Supervisor, I think one should make it appear for you by default, hopefully
I’ve testing your both bios, don’t work fine but when in my original bios with CTRL+F10 i’ve entire access.
@31101958 - Thanks for testing, so neither one show Hardware Monitor by default visible? If not, OK, bummer, I will make a note of it that method fails for this BIOS
At least you can CTRL+F10 - Good find for this old BIOS
Never show hardware monitor, sorry for your work !!!
See you later.