I am from China, and I failed to modify my BIOS file after reading your tutorial. Since there is no adaptor file, this is my backup BIOS, and the mold is gj5cn6a_vulcan_bios_n.1.07. Please help me modify it, thank you
This is my BIOS download link https://www.lanzous.com/i91v2le
Hello, my newly purchased notebook memory module has x.m.p configuration, I want to open 3200Mhz, but this x.m.p option is hidden in bios (can be seen in AMIBCP). My notebook model is XMG CORE17 (XCO17M19). The query shows that the notebook mold model is tongfang GK7CP6R. The notebooks using this mold also have Mechrevo X3 and Mechrevo X8Ti-G. My bios version is N1.04 and the EC version is 1.12.60. The file you provided does not have my notebook model. Can you help me unlock all hidden BIOS options? thank you very much!
This is the BIOS file I backed up through FPT, I hope you can help me unlock the bios
This is the BIOS file I backed up through FPT, I
biosreg.rar (3.77 MB)
Lost N Bios I would love to have these bios unlocked for the Tongfang GM7CP0P Eluktronics Inc. MAX-17 version N 1.03 see attached
Question can Tongfang bios be completely unlocked with AMIBCP Version 5.01 software?
Can backups be safely made with AMIFlash Aptio?
Lost_N_Bios which replacement files should I use for the Tongfang GM7CP0P?
Avell A52-5 BS - GJ5CN6E >> BIOS N.1.10
CyberPower NB-408-109 - GJ5CN6E >> BIOS_N.1.04
MACHENIKE F117-B1/2 - GK5CN5Z >> BIOS_N.1.09
Machenike T90 GJ5CN6A >> N.1.03 + N.1.05
Mechrevo - GK5CN6Z >> BIOS_N.1.16
MECHREVO - GI5KN5E Avell - Deep Sea Titan X1 >> BIOS_N.1.03
MechRevo Z2 Series GK5CN4Z/GK5CN5Z (GK5CN4X5X) >> BIOS N.1.07
Medion Erazer X17805 - GK7CP7S >> BIOS N.1.53
OverPowered - GK5CN6Z >> BIOS_N.1.05
TONGFANG OP-LP3 - GK7CN6S >> BIOS_N.1.08 (Here is stock 1.08 package for everyone on 1.04)
XMG NEO 15 M18 - XNE15M18 - GK5CN6X >> BIOS N.1.09
Did I post the Bios and FPT backup to the correct sub forum?
MAX 17 BIOS N.1.03.zip (5.61 MB)
biosreg.zip (4.67 MB)
I try to mod my own BIOS by following your steps, but I stuck on the 5th step. I find hundreds of menus with form ID in IFR txt, are all of them required? And I can’t find the hiden menus. I have a GIGABYTE AREO15 (7th) and here is my origin BIOS file. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Alzbrjfy_Vd_vGtD4cjAmJRoQ5ul?e=BGq2Yr
Thanks for you guide, I have unlocked my BIOS sucessful. But, when I want to unlock the power limit, I set the PL1 and PL2 with a high num (60W/80W), and finally I find it not work when I run stress test in AIDA64 to test it. Could you please give me more information.
Thank you.
I was able to unlock my new laptop’s bios with this mod (Eluktronics MAX-15.) Im a mechanical engineer with no prior hex edit or bios experience, but I followed your “pro” guide step by step and it worked perfectly.
There are an insane # of options in the bios now. I was not able to increase performance or overclock (yet? not sure what so change?) but its nice to set my memory speed (DDR4-3066) and timings, as well as -.120 and -.100 undervolts in the BIOS.
I was even able to do everything from windows, no DOS boot needed.
It worked on the first try. Lots of anxiety when flashing the BIOS with the intel flash tool I don’t have a SPI programmer nor have I used one.
Ive attached my final modded BIOS (biosreg-modded2.bin) that I successfully flashed. Use at your own risk.
Also included in the RAR file is the rest of the WIN32 folder with the intermediate files and txt files I made to edit the bios.
WIN32.rar (4.49 MB)
Help to unlock X8Ti GK5CN61 BIOS. Is it possible to open the chipset settings? BIOS Aptio V
biosreg.rar (3.37 MB)
FullBIOS.rar (5.17 MB)
TO ALL OF YOU >> please either show me image of what Light Effect options you have at Advanced, or tell me which is first and last option
@Tuscani - Yes, I will help you shortly. Please provide the BIOS you are using, and the image you want used instead. Or better yet, just include some copy of the BIOS that contains the logo you like, and let me know which is which in text file in the package
@emketubuxin - Please wait, sorry for delays, I will edit BIOS for you
@Crunch - No, AMIBCP cannot unlock BIOS. AFU can be used to make backup, but not the one I prefer you to make or use for this kind of edit. Please use FPT and make a BIOS region only backup, then send to me and I will edit for you
@szl0834 - there is NOT hundreds… ohh, I see, you are in wrong file. Please look through guide again closely, IFR is not where you search for the form ID, only where you first grab it. You should be searching in extracted AMITSE PE32 Body
Additionally, your BIOS is not the same as these, so this guide may not directly apply. I’ve unlocked your BIOS though, and I believe it uses this same method but I didn’t check when typing this out, so if you need further help once you get going the correct way, let me know.
Please tell me your exact model name in full (XA, NA etc)
@zhang - sorry, I do not know about power level settings, only making BIOS options visible or not. I do know for power stuff, there is MANY settings, across 2-3 sections, so you may not be changing the correct item, or in the correct location etc.
@okashira - Great job!! Happy to see someone able to benefit from the guide and accomplish unlock themselves, nice!
@I_Alex_1 - Please wait, sorry for delay, I will try to get all these done tonight or next few days
* Edit -
@breeze - Sorry, looks like I merged your posts, and then missed replying to you I’m checking stuff now, if you get here and read this and no further edit by me
XMP not always in all memory module, are you 100% certain your memory has XMP (not SPD)? You can check in CPU-z SPD tab, or with HWINFO64 main left window, memory, select a stick, then scroll down to see XMP profiles)
They also show up as XMP in the little CPU-z like window that appears when you first run HWINFO64. Show me Generally that is only time XMP would be hidden in BIOS, if no XMP detected.
But, that may not show up at all in unlocked BIOS, depending on what is there by default, I doubt they’d hide XMP option though. I will unlock BIOS for you, and still not touch XMP hidden/visible flag, then you tell me if XMP shows up or not, if not your memory does not have XMP
Edited the BIOS according to the instructions. It is not possible to log in to the BIOS. The system starts. Windows is loading.
I did "replace body" and everything worked out.
@I_Alex_1 - sounds like you messed something up, or missed a step etc. Or did you get in BIOS? Your post isn’t very clear
If you got the mod done already let me know, if not, wait and I will do for you!
Thanks for adding lighting image, the reason I ask this is because most BIOS there is several of these and I always unhide the second one for users so they have more choices.
Не работает "Save Changes and Exit" "Discard Changes and Exit". Остаюсь в BIOS.
Выхожу из BIOS - "Save Changes and Reset" "Discard Changes and Reset".
@Lost_N_BIOS M - Sorry to bother you again, but this time I’m really going to need your help. The logo problem is no longer of concern.
I undervolted my CPU way too low and now the laptop wont turn on. I tought that after 3 failed boot attemps the BIOS would load defaults. I was wrong.
I left the laptop in a state where after about 5 secs of fan spin the keyboard would light up but the display remains black with no backlight activity whatsoever, and after about a minute the laptop resets itself and repeats this loop foverer. I tried all sorts of clr_cmos ways in existance and none worked.
Being the smart guy that I am, I flashed the 16MB bios chip with my CH341A USB programmer and SOIC8 clip with file u20.BIN in the RAR archive wich is supposed to be Mechrevo’s 1.04 bios. After flashing it, it kept doing the same bootloop so I tought that the problem lied in the 256KB 25Q20CT chip where I assumed that bios settings were stored. Here is where the fun starts, it seems that either the 256KB 25Q20CT chip was not detected correctly or the clip moved which is more than likely since I have been unable to get a proper connection since the first read/write and now the laptop is not turning on. The file I tried to flash is file u8.BIN in the RAR archive.
I think that I am going to desolder the
I no longer know if this laptop is in a recoverable state and need some assistance to deal with this. The only bios backups I have for this computer are the biosreg.bin for factory 1.04 BIOS, biosreg.bin for 1.08 OverPowered bios and a full dump of the said 1.08 BIOS taken with the USB programmer after the laptop got in bootloop and started writing stuff to the chips.
Do you think that you can help me recover the laptop with the files I have uploaded?. I really would appreciate if you could do so as this is my only laptop and really like it.
Link to the file uploaded to Mega
PS. I cannot use the attachment feature due to the file size restrictions.
Hello Lost_N_BIOS,
I am currently attempting to unlock the bios, however i’m weary about the list you are currently supporting compared to my version.
CyberPower NB-408-120 Tracer III
BIOS Version: American Megatrends Inc. N.1.03, 7/12/2018
EC Version: 1.28.09
SMBIOS Version: 3.1
ME FW Version:
ME Firmware SKU: Consumer SKU
Cyberpower no longer supports this computer, and the keyboard has failed. The WiFi is also turned off (not disabled). I can not turn it back on without using the fn+f4 key (windows fails to turn it on). My last option is to unlock the bios and see if i can get things working again. A replacement keyboard seems to be impossible to obtain.
I have provided the biosreg.bin file for you but upload is limited to 6MB. The file is 10MB
@I_Alex_1 - translation issue here. Please explain in English. I translated what you said, still didn’t understand what you are asking?
@Tuscani - Yes, that is all wrong Sounds like you shorted something out, time to RMA or return if you can.
You can try programming back your original dump of the 256KB chip, but if you didn’t make one then nothing we can do to fix it. This is not anything to do with BIOS/settings etc, this would be EC FW chip, or other FW Chip.
I don’t have these systems, the only way you can fix this if you didn’t dump that chip before you erased or wrote to it (if there was not a short that blew out a trace or resistor) is to find someone with exact same model as you and a flash programmer and talk them into dumping this chip for you
I cannot download from Mega 99% of the time, but I don’t need to download any files there, you need what I mentioned above + program back in your original BIOS dump into the BIOS chip.
If after you do that, provided you find a dump for the 256KB chip, and still nothing happens when you press power then you blew out a trace or resistor and will need to RMA the system
If you need me to build you a complete BIOS to program into the main BIOS chip, using your dumped BIOS region, in case you never dumped entire chip. Let me know and give me your MAC ID
@nlagee2191 - Sorry, that list is old/original list I made out for this thread, long ago, and I haven’t updated the list in a long time, and it applies to many I’ve already unlocked in this thread but haven’t added + many more that may not have been discussed yet too.
So, don’t worry, I’m sure your system can probably be done as well
Do you have Lighting Effect option in advanced BIOS section? If yes, let me know what is first and last values of that setting, or show me image of the choices. Then I can unlock for you.
You probably will need to disable BIOS lock first still, if you have not already. This will be impossible without keyboard, so not sure if you can flash in mod BIOS. Can you write your FPT BIOS region dump back, or do you get error 280/368?
Hello Lost_N_Bios,
I appreciate your assistance. I currently have a USB keyboard that is working within BIOS. The on-board keyboard does have lighting options in the bios, and i have attached an image of them. I have also attached a screenshot of the output of flashing the BIOS back with FPTw. The error you mentioned did not appear
@Lost_N_BIOS I managed to flash back the EC chip desoldering it, reprogramming it soldered to the programmer itself with no errors and soldered it back to the motherboard.
Now the computer turns on again, fans spin for about ten seconds and the keyboard gets backlight, but after a minute or so it turns off again and repeats the loop.
This is the same behavior as when I lowered the vcore offset to -200mv saved the settings and then it started to do this, that’s all I originally did. It is as if the setting is persistent somewhere else and I cannot figure out why is this or where are these settings saved if not in these two chips. I tought that I would be safe as long as I had the programmer to write back the chips if something went wrong.
I dont think that RMA is an option since I brutally voided the warranty doing this and a motherboard probably will cost more than the laptop itself…
Do you have some pointers that I can follow other than RMA it?.
Disconnect the battery and battery from the Board. Wait about an hour. Reset the Bios to default settings.
Thanks for trying, but I already left the laptop about two days with every power source disconnected and this behavior keeps happening.
Something deeper is going on here and I can’t for the life of me figure out what is it.
@Tuscani did you dump your EC Write to confirm the write was 100% what you gave it, to manually verify the write was good? What did you write anyway, I mean where did you get the file/data to write?
If write was 100% good, manually confirmed, then I would again write back the original BIOS dump you made and try again. If that does not work for you, send me a dump of this BIOS and tell me the exact setting you changed and I can change it back to default for you. If this is all that’s wrong then this will fix it
RE - RMA - These are from Walmart right? If yes, I doubt they would take the system apart to check for such things, so you may be OK if it comes to that.
@nlagee2191 - Thanks, and sorry for the delay! Please upload your biosreg to tinyupload.com or uploadfiles.io, I can’t download from Microsoft it always is just blank page for me (same as their hotmail/outlook now too!)
* Edit - Never mind, I finally got it to load the page and then after 1.5 hours trying I was able to make it finish downloading I will make BIOS for you tonight
Please confirm this is the MD5 for your BIOS so I know it’s OK, since you didn’t zip it up - 3274F70BDB27966699B9E020C15A5765
If it’s not, please zip and upload to one of the hosts mentioned above
Hello @Lost_N_BIOS ,
Thank you for your time on this. The MD5 did not match, so here is an encrypted zipped version. the pw is bios1234.
I attached the file to this post, and here is a tinyupload
biosreg.zip (3.7 MB)