PC won't start after BIOS update failed

After and update from the windows on my machine Dell XPS 8960, the pc was disconnected from the power and the pc was bricked.

I need to find a solution to rewrite the Intel ME blocks , but i can’t find the right version for my intel me and can’t find intel fit or an injector for it to work.

The chip is on the programmer right now and work is done to it.

Update 1.
We rewrited the intel me version and know we are able to power on the machine from the power button.

But the problem still exists :

  1. Power cord in PSU
  2. Press power button
  3. PSU starts, one blink and then shut down, after 2-3 secs another powering and one more blink and then off.

We resited everything in the system, we tried to flash the bios but not possible beacuse we can’t enter in the boot.

Any solutions?

*Besides buying a new mobo and PSU.

The update contained : BIOS update for it and INTEL me update **

@TheFATHER Hi and welcome to Win-Raid Forums.

Did you make a backup of the contents of the BIOS chip before you wrote to it?

To get help faster it would be useful if you could upload your backup (or the current contents of the BIOS chip if you don’t have one).

As you are a new member you will need to reach trust level 1 on the Win-Raid forums to post attachments.

As you are currently trust level 0 you will need to to the following:

Entering at least 5 topics
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Alternatively, you could upload your BIOS to another site (such as dropbox, mega etc) and post a link to it here if you wish.

The bios was corrupted, beacuse it was in the middle of the update and the power cord was disconnected.

We understand ENGLISH… that was not what Chinobino asked you.

Is this post yours???
DELL XPS 8960 BIOS dump - Badcaps Forums


Get the bios file from Dell, extract it with AMIUCP or AMI_UCP_Extract, identify the corrupted volumes and replace it on your dump.
If the ME needs initialization, use the guide and ME v16.1 tools, these packages are scattered around the thread as also the required FW images Consumer H or above.

EDIT: By your words seems you all did a ME clean or some sort of… users tend to omite small details to not get embarrassed or just cant explain the details of what was done, that’s not going to recover an interrupted AC bios update failure, the corruption is on main bios structure for sure.
You can wait for a time spare user to do ti for you, anyway my contribution is done, all the besta and good luck.

we done it. and no succes

In your dump from badcaps aren’t any corrupted bios code volumes, that’s an early stock Dell bios version except for machine specific information and of course NVRAM.

So either you’ll have to clean ME or to empty NVRAM (or both).

(ME doesn’t look suspicious to me, can be decomposed and unpacks fine in MEA)

We cleaned te Me and upgraded it to
And we cleaned the NVARAM.

Bios was 32 / 2

the first phase was intel me and was corrupted and in the secnd was bios.
the corrupted me from the windows installer got downloaded with DDR4 memory instead of 5 and we corected that. But no hope.

What does 32/2 mean?

Please attach / post what you tried to flash!

32 mb chip.

16 / 16 in two sections.

this was the image recover from the dell regards the bios for my pc.

and this is the mfit 16.1 + intel me version in the left.

this is the intel me version after i confirgured on the old architecture.

Thanks for the nice pictures, but I did mean the file(s) you flashed trying to repair the machine!

We just got the main bios flash from the dell website in the .rcv format as is said on their website for Dell Machines.

You wrote earlier you did cleaned NVRAM and showed a pic of an updated ME??

Anyway, you’re quite reluctant to give appropiate information, you didn’t even post a link to or attach your ‘bricked’ dump, we have to search it at badcaps. So a little unclear at least to me why opened this thread, but anyway, I hope someone else will step in or you get help at badcaps.

Good luck!

@lfb6 Thanks for stepping in - you lead the horse to water but he doesn’t want to drink.