Performance of the Intel RST/RSTe AHCI/RAID Drivers

@ all:
A few days ago I have done some new benchmark comparison tests with my old Z68 system running in AHCI mode.

Update of the Start Post

  • New: Test results with a Z68 system running in AHCI mode
    Tested AHCI drivers:
    1. Win10 in-box MS Standard AHCI driver (name: storahci.sys, shown as being dated 12/03/2016)
    2. Intel RST driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL (dated 05/30/2012, last “conventional” Intel RST Series AHCI driver)
    3. Intel RST(e) driver v11.7.4.1001 WHQL (dated 03/05/2013, latest driver from the RST(e) v11 platform)
    4. Intel RST(e) driver v12.9.4.1000 WHQL (dated 04/07/2014, latest driver from the RST(e) v12 platform)
    5. Intel RST(e) driver v13.1.0.1058 WHQL (dated 05/28/2014, latest driver with native support of Intel 7-Series Chipsets)
    6. Intel RST(e) driver v13.2.8.1002 WHQL (dated 07/09/2015, latest driver from the RST(e) v13 platform)
    7. Intel RST(e) driver v14.8.16.1063 WHQL (dated 04/10/2017, latest driver from the RST(e) v14 platform)

Dieter (alias Fernando)

These are my results with 15.7.3 compared to the official 15.7.0 available on the Intel website

@MrRhade :
Thanks for the benchmark comparison test.
Although you didn’t write anything about it, I suspect, that you have done your tests while running Win10 in AHCI mode on a 256 GB sized Crucial SSD.
Question: Why did you install the Intel RST Software? It doesn’t give you any benefit unless you have created an Intel RAID array.
By the way: Since we have a separate thread about the performance of the Intel RST/RSTe AHCI/RAID drivers, I have moved your post here.

Off topic:

If you want to know the easiest way how to take a screenshot and to insert it into a post, I recommend to look into the start posts of >this< and >this< thread.

You don’t have to ‘suspect’ anything because the software already shows all the relevant data: the drive, the driver, the Windows version, the chipset.
H110 doesn’t even have RAID. The reason is without RST I get 1-2 second freezes in certain circumstances: if I do disk operations between my 2 HDDs, operations on the SSD (such as opening a browser) would randomly freeze the system for a little bit. MSI doesn’t even provide RST drivers for this motherboard and for good reason, if it wasn’t for this issue the standard MS driver would perform best.


Yes, Anvil’s benchmark tool offers a lot of informations about the system, but not everyone knows, that Intel H110 chipset mainboards don’t support RAID.

I was using 64bit Intel RSTe AHCI & RAID drivers v14.6.0.1029 WHQL and then came back here and tested: 64bit Intel RSTe AHCI & RAID drivers v14.6.5.1036 WHQL
then did a google and station drivers came up with: intel_rst_14.8.16.1063(

Just noticed that two are RSTe and last is RST. I forget the diffrence but its working.

I’m getting a new hard drive: OSO4005 HGST and I have a OSO3665 HGST so just doing a bit of spring cleaning.

When I was looking at the results it seemed "intel_rst_14.8.16.1063(; gave more performance to the SSD compared to “64bit Intel RSTe AHCI & RAID drivers v14.6.5.1036 WHQL” and vice versa for the HGST.

Also tested my USB with new drivers:

I think one or two places I wrote it was on ICH-10 but I have ICH-9 for sure. Z97x-gaming 5.

All the v14 platform Intel AHCI/RAID drivers are RST(e) ones, because they all have the additional SCSI Filter driver named iaStorF.sys.

@ all:
Last Friday I got access to the first variant of the upcoming Win10 v1709 (as Insider Preview Build 16288.1) and its brandnew in-box Intel RAID driver v13.44.0.1026 dated 02/22/2017. Since the related v13.44 series Intel AHCI driver is not and probably will not be available for the public, I got the idea to compose it myself on the basis of the existing file named iaStorAV.sys and to test the result. Surprisingly I succeeded and was able to get my self-composed Intel AHCI driver v13.44.0.1026 properly installed onto my Z170 system running in AHCI mode.
The fact, that this self-composed AHCI driver worked for me, made me curious about its performance in comparison with other earlier tested and the newest released Intel AHCI drivers, which haven’t yet been tested by me. So I did yesterday a clean UEFI mode install of Win10 x64 Build 10.0.16288.1 onto my old 512 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD and did some completely new benchmark comparison tests with my Z170 system running in AHCI mode.
You can see the absolutely surprising test results within the updated start post of this thread.

Update of the Start Post

  • New: Test results with a Z170 system running in AHCI mode
    Tested AHCI drivers:
    1. Win10 v1709 in-box MS AHCI driver v10.0.16288.1 dated 09/10/2017 (name: storahci.sys, newest available MS AHCI driver)
    2. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v13.2.8.1002 dated 07/09/2015 (latest available from the v13 platform)
    3. self-composed RST AHCI driver v13.44.0.1026 dated 02/22/2017 (contains the original Intel iaStorAV.sys file)
    4. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v14.8.16.1063 WHQL dated 04/10/2017 (currently latest from the v14 platform)
    5. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.2.16.1060 WHQL dated 03/30/2017 (currently latest from the v15.2 series)
    6. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.5.5.1059 WHQL dated 06/01/2017 (currently latest from the v15.5 series)
    7. Intel RST(e) AHCI driver v15.7.5.1025 WHQL dated 08/10/2017 (currently latest from the v15.7 series)

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Hey Fernando,I would like to try your modded in-box Intel RAID driver v13.44.0.1026 on my Z170 system.Any chance you will post it or should I just download and install Win10 x64 Build 10.0.16288.1… to try it out.

I have sent you a PM.

You will not be able to use the in-box Intel RAID driver v13.44.0.1026 in AHCI mode.

Hi Dieter,
Is there any more information about the Intel RAID driver v13.44.0.1026 modded and signed by you?
will it work with all systems (from 6 series up)?
where is it possible to download a copy?

The Forum members NIK1 and Dunbar asked for the download links and got them a while ago, but until now I haven’t seen any feedback from their side.

I am pretty sure, that they will work with all Intel chipsets/Southbridges from ICH7 up.

Until now nowhere, but I will add the links to the start post of the “Modded Intel AHCI/RAID Drivers“ thread, when I got positive test results.

I have three different platforms here and am willing to test on those.
Q65 with win7 and hdd
H81 with win 10 and ssd + hdd
H170 with win 10 and ssd
Please send me a link and will report soon

@elisw :
You got the links via PM.
Good luck!

bad news.
tried with windows 10 and H81 but got BSOD and needed to restore to a previous point.
strange also I had to use the "have disk" option even having imported the certificate ages ago.
Previous (and current) driver is v.

@elisw :
Thanks for having tested the recently modded Intel RST driver v13.44.0.1026 and thanks for your report.
1. Did you do the tests in AHCI or RAID mode?
2. Which error message did you get?

test was in AHCI mode.
the error was after installing the driver and during the OS restart. it was a Recovery error: your PC needs to be repaired.
I did not write down the exact error… I may try it again later

I’ve just noticed during install it mentions the authenticode signature is not valid

here’s my result with intel RST latest v15.9.0.1015 modded driver:

BM Pic1.png

BM Pic2.png

EDIT by Fernando: Inserted too big sized image split and attached by using the Forum software (size can be enlarged by clicking onto them)

MS AHCI driver:


old windows 8 driver :

Untitled2.jpg driver has HDD samsung F1 1TB constant clicking bug which is unfixable even with the registry fix unlike newer drivers:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

so for my system it’s not the best choice

newest driver result with native Z87 Chipset support which i used before installing driver:


This driver is not listed within the start post of >this< thread.
Have you ever tried the mucg newer Intel RST(e) driver WHQL?