Maybe I will do some additional benchmark tests once I have recreated a RAID0 system.
I don"t understand why with a very similar ASUS board and AHCI SSD 840 PRO 256 GB configuration i get a very different and less performance result as you have reported.
I get 4333 index and you report 6811.
(on my side only the iRST driver is installed, iRSTe package has been installed for setting SATA link option "disabled" and then i have uninstalled the package).
Do you see the any reasons why this huge difference ?
But you got far better Read scores than me.
Note: Our systems are not similar:
- My tests have been done with a brandnew 512 GB Samsung 840 PRO.
- Furthermore I have added 2x4 GB SDRAM, so my system now has at least 16 GB of RAM.
- All my tests were done on a fresh installed Win8.1 x64 with integrated Spring Update 2014 (RTM version).
Where and why did you disabled this option?
Our hardware is different and the individual settings as well.
I assumed your signature was up to date.
A 512GB SAMSUNG PRO vs 256 GB cannot explain a 60% better result âŚ
My system has 16 GB RAM of PC3-17100 DDR3 SDRAM UDIMM, so it is the same size you have.
You recommended in the past in some threats to disable the âsata linkâ option in the iRSTe software application in âPerformance menuâ, to get better performance.
This option is also well commented in iRSTe pakkage when select â?â icon with the mouse. Disabling this option should improvre the performanceâŚ
Yes, you have W8.1 x64 but this does not explain the 60 % more âŚ
This is what ANVIL test gives:
Do you get a similar result on your side ?
Do you have done an ANVIL, RAPID mode test with the 512 GB SSD configuration ?
If AS SSD is 60 % better, ANVIL test sould be also about 60 % better, i.e. about (15000 + 60%)= 24000 ??
Did you get a such âextraordinaryâ result ?
EDIT by Fernando: Double post deleted
Not yet.
Do you really believe, that my 512 GB sized Samsung SSD is 60% faster than your 256 GB SSD?
Please remember: These are synthetic benchmark tests, which do not have much to do with the real work of a "standard" user with his PC.
Fernando are you still using RAPID with your Samsung ?
I gave it up a few weeks after it came out.
FYI: New 840 / 840 Pro Firmware is out
New Firmware for Samsung 840 / 840 Pro (Marâ 2014)
Yes, I am still testing this Samsung Magician feature.
Big advantage: It is very easy to disable and enable it.
Thanks for the info!
Have you already flashed it?
Here we are:
Very good result for ANVIL. +15% better than on my W7 x64 SP1
I assume you use the last firmware DXM06B0Q.
I have to find where the problem is coming from on my side, may be with some no correctly âAdvancedâ settings in Magician 4.3.
I report you in another threat a âfeatureâ abnomaly i observed with DXM06B0Q SSD firmware.
I have flashed with Magician my 3 SSDs (you have first to desactivate the RAPID mode for the SYSTEM disk).
All is easy, step by step, no need to backup. The PC stop automatically in 20 s. Then you have to start manually.
However, i observed the Dev Sleep feature disapearred !!
Is it normal ? Seems not a problem for me, but may be for other configuration ?
You should not overestimate these benchmark results done in RAPID mode, because the amount of the actually possible RAM caching my vary extremely.
By the way: Your overall Anvil write scores are better than mine.
No. As you can see on the top right corner of my Anvilâs benchmark screenshot, I havenât yet flashed the new firmware.
There is no "problem" with your settings. I am pretty sure, that you would not realize any performance difference between your and my system while working.
@ 100PIER:
If you really want to compare the performance of our Samsung 840 PRO SSDs, you should do it without using the RAPID mode feature (reason: the results with enabled RAPID mode vary extremely because of the RAM caching).
Here is what I just got by running Anvilâs benchmark tool after having disabled the RAPID mode and flashed the new Firmware:
Hello bro, Nice post. What a stagger different rst driver vs in raid mode. So meaning using current version is better than both 12.9 and 13 beta? Thanks.
Since I havenât yet tested the Intel RST(e) drivers v12.8.11.1000 in RAID mode, I cannot give you an answer.
You may compare the 3 mentioned RAID drivers yourself.
i agree with your analysis.
I get this ANVIL PRO V 1.1.0 result in Standard mode and got a similar index (very slightly better):
When looking at the details of the picture I have no explanation about these 3 items:
1) Memory size reported.
We have both 16 GB RAM physical size.
ANVIL PRO reports only 15828 MB on my PC, and 16066 MB on your PC.
Why this difference ?
2)Storage driver: iaStorA (seems V is only reported when the iRSTe Software package is fully installed). Why ?
3)Why the Firmware version is not fully reported:
I see only "DXM0" on my PC for the 2 SSD connected on Z77 ports.
I see well DXM06B0Q for the SSD connected on Marvell port :
Performance on Z77 port is 120 % better than on Marvell port !
The last Marvell SATA 6G driver V 12.0.1040 is not TRIM âenabledâ and this is the reason why i recommend to install in place the old MSAHCI 1.0 driver to keep a better life for any SSD connected on Marvell port.
I donât know the answer. Maybe Windows 8.1 is able do see/use some MBs more than Windows 7.
That is not easy to explain.
Which driver is listed, when you didnât install the IRST Software?
I think, that this is just a cosmetic issue of Anvilâs tool. You should better ask him.
I donât know the answer. Maybe Windows 8.1 is able do see/use some MBs more than Windows 7.
Maybe iGPU enabled?
2) No ideaâŚ

I think, that this is just a cosmetic issue of Anvilâs tool. You should better ask him.
Different controllers reed and report ID data differently to the OS, it isnât Anvil or other programs faultâŚ
As you can see on "DriverControllerInfo" captured screen above i had well installed V WHQL driver for the 2 x Z77 port.
The ANVIL PRO screens were captured with iRST V driver installed only, no iRST Software package !
You can see the "Storage driver" information is: "iaStorA"
If i install the iRST "Software package", the "Storage driver" information becomes: "iaStorA"
May be also a cosmetic issue of ANVIL PRO tool ?
I have confirmation that W7 x64 does not use the full 16 GB RAM available because with another tool such as CoreTemp reports also 15828 MB instead of 16066 MB availableâŚ
Strange limitation !
My system is using the iGPU as well.
Ahh, so Anvilâs tool doesnât show a different driver, but just less or more informations regarding the in-use driver version.
I donât think, that this is an issue at all. Usually Anvilâs tool only looks at the driverâs name and shows it (MSAHCI, iaStor or iaStorA). Maybe the tool additionally shows the driver version, if the IRST Service Software is running in the background.