PLS Help with flash bios rom file Dell D630

Please I need help, how can I flash moded bios rom file in Dell D630? I have original exe file, original rom file and moded rom file. Thanks

or how to read bios and save it in hdr format? I have universal bios backup toolkit app and this give me bin file, but I need hrd file

Use PFS Extractor python script on executable file. Why do you need .hdr BTW?

because I can flash hdr file from bootable dos usb with volkov commander…now I have hdr file, but I have next problem, with volkov commander it can be reflashed, but hdr must be compressed in GZ format with archive size 960kb and mine has 949kb…but hdr file has right size, so now I dont know how to flash it,because all tools for GZ compressing gaved me approx same size of archive, but none gaved me exact 960kb

Forgive me, the script does not handle executable actually.

This is the dead end.

You wrote that you have a mod that you want to flash, share it and I will implement it in the win flasher.

ok, here is moded bios, I attached both files-rom(bin) and hdr file, I dont know which one you need for winflash, thank you…it is moded a17 version

modedbios.rar (1.72 MB)

Models that support this type of flashing:



I have attached an archive with “BiosUpdate.exe” containing your customized one. Rollback from newer versions is allowed. I don’t know what you modified there, but I also included the NWL patched module separately.

Dell (2 MB)

pls how can I run it? Unzip and then run biosupdate.exe? because I try but it dont do nothing

When you run exe, it should be auto-unpacked, and then after 120 seconds a reboot will occur and the BIOS will be updated. I’ve just tested.

yes it will be auto unpacked, then reboot and windows start normal, after then I read bios and it is still the same

I tried once again, but still the same…auto unpacked, then nothing 120sec and the reboot, but after reboot it start normal without flashing the bios

is available some another options for bios flashing?

pls none?

When you run exe, it should be auto-unpacked, and then after 120 seconds a reboot will occur and the BIOS will be updated. I’ve just tested.

when I run your exe file and after automatic restart I have new file in folder - TaskResult.xml and here it show me this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<command name="flash_load">
<property name="BIOS" errorcode="0xFFFFFFEB" value="C:\Users\user\Desktop\bios\4de6fc3e-b53e-4cfe-af5b-d1d40ce00ef4.hdr"/>
</command><command name="biosupdate"><property name="task" errorcode="0x1" value="Failed."/>

So bios was not updated due some error, right?