Possible to roll back firmware of a Pioneer Bluray drive?


Recently I updated the firmware of my Pioneer BDR-211M from 1.52 to 1.54 version and in process lost some functionality though drive still works. Was told on other forum that its not possible to roll back and was wondering if its true. Make matters worse I don’t have a back up of that 1.52 firmware and would have to search internet to find it.

Thank you

Found 1.52 right away.

But Pioneer says you can’t go back.

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Oh well. Too bad you can’t slip in older version into the executable.

@davidm71 I have this drive (still on the original 1.02 FW) and apparently once you flash 1.54 you can’t go back to an earlier version.


Firmwares 1.54 for 211 series drives, and 1.55 for 209 series drives! They come with the crossflash and downgrade protections already!

@chinobino Think its possible to use a usb flashing tool on the rom chip of a Bluray drive like the one from Pioneer?


@davidm71 Hi, no software flashing tools will work.

From what I have read on the Makemkv forum not even a hardware programmer will work.

Was told its the fact the rom chip has like 128 pins is the issue.

@chinobino Just had an idea that may work as far as going back to previous version. Perhaps it may be possible to alter the installation app of a previous version to look like newer version. This would require altering an old rom and have no idea if it would work considering whatever checksums or security there might be in place. Other idea is to wait for a newer version installer to come out and replace its rom file binary with the older version binary code. This is all hypothetical and probably would not work anyhow. Thanks

@davidm71 It is an interesting idea, I think these kinds of things have been tested but maybe there is some loophole that was missed.

Considering a gofundme cash reward hacking challenge for this issue. Assuming it wouldnt violate any laws etc…

@davidm71 Sorry the late reply.

I have checked over the forum rules and could not see anything specifically saying that offering a financial reward is not allowed but I would prefer to check with a higher authority before giving the ‘go ahead’.

@plutomaniac @Fernando Is it against forum policy to offer financial reward for a community member’s specific request?


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I had my hesitations. Should have known better. Sorry.

@lfb6 Wow, back to school for me.

Thanks for pointing out rule 10.

Case closed.