Just a suggestion, why don’t create a database of modded bioses for motherboards? If someone already made it, why do it again?
@ gpvecchi:
Your idea may be good for users, who are too lazy to modify their mainboard BIOS themselves or want to minimize the risk of a bricked mainboard, but I am afraid, that its realisation will only be the first step to a “Modded-BIOS-Upon-Demand-Forum” like >this< one.
When I started this Forum and wrote all my BIOS Modding guides, it was my intention, that the users should learn to modify their mainboard BIOS themselves (and don’t try to transfer the responsability in case of a flash failure to someone else). That is why I have blocked in the past all requests to provide any already modded BIOS upon request.
Furthermore even a database of already successfully tested modded BIOSes doesn’t give the user with a similar mainboard model the security, that the modded BIOS will work for his configuration as well (example: a modded BIOS with an updated Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver can be successfully flashed onto any non-RAID system, but may not work with a RAID one).