Probably bricked bios need help locating bios chip to flash

Here is how it is happened.
I clicked on the reset button on the motherboard on MSI GE72 2QE and when tried to run the board it doesnt run i have taken out the rtc battery i have taken out the battery tried again it doesnt work i get keyboard light and cpu fan spins but nothing else happens. first time it happened i didnt even had fan running keyboard light up and died quickly did that for a long while after that i hold the power button pressed on cmos reset taken out the battery etc…

I need to locate the bios chip on MSI GE72 2QE to fix the bios which is hopefully corrupted and could be fixed

I think if i find the chip i can reprogram it using a programmer using the guides here which i just ordered


EDIT: this is the board pictures drive. google. com/drive/folders/1sR0kSUmZ4ZhEAuy3W98Eqb8cFoRh-7_W?usp=sharing

@berkkocaturk - DO NOT erase or write to chip until someone has checked your dump and confirmed it’s OK, in case system specific data is needed to transfer from there to the new BIOS
Read >> Verify/compare >> Save only

It’s this system, correct? If yes, which BIOS were you using, the only one posted there or some other?

I am on limited internet, can you please put those images into a max compressed zip and re-upload, thanks

Compressing as zip did not lower the filesize so i have lowered the jpeg resoltion too it is in the same drive folder
my bios is latest stock bios E1791IMS.113 and fw is 1791EMS1.506

I also have bought anything i though could be useful
raspberry pi 4
soip8 cable
1.8v adapter (guess it is for nvidia chip)
breadboard and resistors

Also i tried to read labels on top of the 3 chip marked with paint
BLUE NEXT TO M.2 gigadevice CF4W0J 25Q512T CH1437
GREY mxic 25l2006e
RED gigadevice ah1433 25b64bsig
if this will help it was really hard to read maybe one letter might be wrong

I try to use the CH341A but when i clip onto chip it doesnt read and chip light goes out software doesnt see it either like the power is not enough can i turn on and try or i have to desolder?

1.8V adapter is needed on some BIOS chips if it’s 1.8v chip.
Sorry, but I don’t know what you’re saying above, please link me to the images ONLY in a zip. I do not need stock BIOS in the zip either, I already have it if you linked above.
Actually, I don’t need to see board images now, since you identified the chip

gigadevice one would be the BIOS, but the ID you mentioned I’ve not seen anyone use, so you may need to dump with a few software versions until we find one that works for read and then hope it work for write too.
This is 3.3v chip, so you do not need to use 1.8v adapter

Try software 1.30 or 1.34, and Asprogrammer 1.41 and use chip ID GD25Q64…213094641136166

NO DO NOT Turn on anything!! Chip light going out means either you have too long of cables (ie if you are using some long USB extension cable, don’t)
So power is being lost, or you need to connect power, Main battery only first, then if same, also connect PSU cable

OR, you have something backwards and it’s shorting out!! Be careful, make sure you have everything connected correctly!
Here is a guide with lots of image if you are not 100% sure - [GUIDE] Flash BIOS with CH341A programmer

I have tried again and again i am sure pins line up to pin 1 red cable etc same as your guide. Notch counter clockwise is pin 1 but as soon as i connect it to the chip the programmer light goes away and software says it is disconnected.

@berkkocaturk - Show me image of your chip and I will tell you which pin is pin #1, your comments above aren’t very clear to me what you mean
Also, show me how you have the cable connected into the programmer. Please put the images in a max compressed zip and upload somewhere

Also, some systems need battery and or PSU connected too, but wait and lets be sure you have things connected properly before you try using one/both of those

I can see the dot on the chip also there are pin numbers on the corners of the chip so I am quite certain.
Here is the picture folder I made the best 3 picture max compressed zip as you asked. Zip includes the chip, clip and programmer connection so 3 pictures total.…LHa?usp=sharing

I have removed battery and ac I am waiting your response to connect them.

Update for you too see.

Taking out the rtc battery has bricked it and i dont know how to save from there

You try to read the content of 2 gigadevice chips and post them here to be able to tell exactly where is the BIOS chip.
You need to download the software and go to step 3 as in this guide: then click save and then attach that file.
Note that clip sometimes does not work correctly. If you read the chip and see the full FFFF or 0000, it means that the clip’s contact with the chip has problems. Another note is that the cable connecting CH341A to the chip should be less than 20cm, otherwise electrical noise may lead to deviation. You should also plug the CH341A directly into the USB port on the back of the computer instead of the front panel to ensure power supply.

Thank you but I already solve-ish the issue it seems lika a bug.

I have tried everything except this and it solved it.
When I take out the battery and only plug in ac it booted but if I try to reset EC it gets bricked again also my wifi card is dead and keyboard doesn’t light up guess reset fried those someway. I really don’t understand and I don’t want to mess with it .

Thanks for everybody it was not a regular problem to solve here i guess.