[Problem] Asus X99-s bios bin file needed

Need bios bin file to use on ch341a programmer I’ve tried to sort it myself but am having issues thanks in advance

did you find any help .?

no bud

@Jonno :
I am sorry, that you haven’t yet gotten any reply or help from a BIOS expert. Maybe the reason was, that you had put your request into the wrong Sub-Forum.
The solution for you is quite simple: Since ASUS offers all UEFI BIOSes with a capsule (containing some security features), you have to remove the capsule by using a BIOS tool like the UEFITool. The uncapsuled product is the *.BIN or *ROM file.
For further details please have a look into the start post of >this< thread.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you :blush:
Apologies for the mistake lol