Damage CPU or mb VRM…fan not spinning is bad sign and hw failure, nothing to do with FW, move along unless you get a cheap repair job on a proper IT shop that can do diags/soldering to circuit.
The cpu fan and the rest of the case fans spin too, and yes I’m thinking to take it to a professional who can repair it…
OK, was thinking of EC firmware, but then the board wouldn’t switching on at all…
@Z390nonwifi Without an debug LED it’s very hard to diagnose. The TL611 Pro PCIe card can usually be bought fairly cheap online.
There is a debug led on bottom right of mobo it’s lighting the cpu red light it stays solid , doesn’t post to boot,vga, or dram, at all just stays solid cpu red light hope you understood
@Z390nonwifi Unfortunately that LED light will not give you a two digit debug code so that you can find out exactly which point of the POST process is failing.
[Edit] Added link to debug LED code list.
Thanks for link , but i have decided to take this board to a professional now & let them sort out or it’s just cooked anyway, thnks everyone here who tried to help me🙂 hope it just turns out to be mobo rather than the cpu itself🤞