[Problem] Bricked Gigabyte Z390 Aorus Pro BIOS

I have a Gigbyte Z390 pro rev 1.0 non WiFi variant which is bricked , by failed bios update today i tried to flash the bios with ch341 everything was successful ,read, veryfing and erase, and write, but still no screen after flashing bios, someone please help me,I’m very new to this maybe I’m doing something wrong please help…

The bios i flashed is from official website of Gigbyte, flashed the f10 version one
Here is the link : Z390 AORUS PRO (rev. 1.0) Support | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global

Edit by Fernando: Thread title customized

And why not recover using the Dual-Bios feature?

@Z390nonwifi Hi and welcome to the Win-RAID forum.

What was the reason for the BIOS update? Was the system working normally prior to flashing the F10 BIOS with a hardware programmer?

No screen output can occur for many reasons.

Are you using the iGPU (assuming your CPU is not an F model) to drive your display?

Are you using a discrete graphics card? If so, what model?

The Gigabyte Z390 AORUS Pro will attempt to boot with CSM enabled by default.

If your graphics card requires CSM to be disabled (such as Intel ARC) then you won’t get any display output.

I don’t know, I have tried to several attempts to make it force boot from second bios with all the methods no luck… Im literally confused like why it’s not even showing RGB lights like it used to show before

Hello there,Yes the system was working normally, The reason for flashing new bios was shitty valorant, as you might know valorant needs secure boot on so i decided to enable it and suddenly I was gettin no screen, so i decided to take out GPU my (GIGABYTE 2080s ) & boot with integrated gpu, with god’s grace everything was fine , Then I came to know to enable the secure boot function i must update the bios on new version on few forums, so i decided to update the bios to f10 as I was on f9, (keep in mind I was on igpu during installation) and after bios update installation it rebooted, and never showed screen maybe something went wrong in installation idk, since then the pc has never booted at all, after lot of days ,through my research again I came to know I have to program the bios chip externally as my bios is corrupted, So now with ch341 I did everything properly all fans spin & still no boot screen at all, Now I’m very confused and frustrated :disappointed: not knowing what should I do next, Do i need different kind of bios file to make it work?, Sry for my bad english

One of

Bad flash (read the chip again and attach it’s actual content- some changes in ME region or NVRAM might be possible according to how far the board comes in POST)

Damaged the board when flashing (short or mechanical damage, kicked off SMD parts)

Hardware failure not firmware related

(I assume that you checked the components - cpu/ram - in another machine and tried a minimal boot- cpu reseated, memory reseated, just 1 module…)


@Z390nonwifi I assume you have already tried clearing CMOS?

What CPU do you have? If the backup BIOS has version F8 or earlier on it and you have a 9th Gen CPU installed it may fail to boot from the backup BIOS.

The first thing I would try is removing everything from the system except the CPU and RAM and disconnect all cables (including 24-pin ATX power and the 4-pin EPS/CPU power).

Remove the CMOS battery and let the system sit for at least 15 minutes to allow all power to drain from the capacitors - then try to boot the system with only CPU and RAM.

If that does not work and the backup BIOS refuses to kick-in then I suggest you try to read both the main and backup BIOS with the CH341a and upload the dumps here so that they can be examined.

Please don’t write anything to either BIOS EEPROM until you have made a backup of both BIOS chips.


Yes i have already did what you mentioned drained the entire system without atx pins attached removed evry cable and drained the system for entire day just with with cpu & ram, but still that didnt work , jst to let you know i have been trying to fix this for past 1 week :sweat_smile:, now im thinking about taking mobo to gigabyte, or local repair shop, because i tried almost everything to repair it without the hassle… but no luck :sweat:
Im just hoping it turns out to be motherboard and not any other component like cpu because it would be so much of trouble for me…

What is me region? Read on another forum that i have to modify it and it might be reason why it’s not booting ,but i have seen people just flash the manufacturers bios & boot with 0 issues, if it is possible for you to modify it , i would really appreciate it as i have attached both files

Unfortunately i dont have access to another pc, but i have reseated cpu and every component and tried with one stick of ram, still same issue no luck, also i have flashed the different versions of bios with ch341 , 5 times each with proper read veryfiy erase & write, i will attach the bios that was backup file which i did for the first time , & also the one that i have flashed currently, thnks for reply

BACKUPZ390.rar (6.0 MB)

Im using i99000k yes i have done everything reinstalled every component including cpu, single stick ram, power drained the entire system for a whole day, And i didn’t make a backup for the backup bios,:sweat:as i have flashed f10 on both chips with ch341 to make sure they are on same version of bios

But i did the backup for main bios when i connected ch341 for the first time, which was f9, i will be attaching that here also the one i have currently flashed from gigabyte official site,

As for the eprom i dont understand much of that stuff so i have just flashed the bios in 25x mode if that’s what you are trying to say , i dont know im very newbie

Thanks for the reply

The corrupted bios-
BACKUPZ390corrupted.rar (6.0 MB)

The current flashed on both chips-

Backup is corrupted / severely damaged- won’t boot. Most probably not properly attached clip. Only thing recoverable is MAC address in GbE.

As written: Re-read the content of both chips and post it!


Oh my bad😅 i thought you meant the original corrupted bios for recovering some stuff, so i uploaded the corrupted bios from main chip which was corrupted during qflash update, nvm here I’m attaching both main & backup bios which is currently flashed & read properly on both chips…

Main.rar (6.6 MB)

backup.rar (6.6 MB)

That’s not corrupted by a qflash update. Corruption is diffuse and also in areas never touched by updatesas in nvram.

Both firmwares attached now are a 100% identical F10 versions. One of the earliest boot steps would be initializing ME region, but both ME regions are untouched.

So if these really are fresh dumps of main and backup bios it’s not firmware related.

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Yes this are 100% fresh dumps of current chips as i said, what might be the issue then? Its still not booting even with bios flashed😞,im considering to send it to a local shop now

@Z390nonwifi Unfortunately the problem appears to be a hardware issue.

Trying different RAM, PSU and CPU in the motherboard is the next step and if changing any or all of those items does not allow the motherboard to boot then it looks like the motherboard may be faulty.

Testing a known working RAM DIMM in each RAM slot one at a time is also highly recommended.

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Try one last thing… flash the Backup IC with Colibri app and the Main IC with NeoProgrammer app, and try to boot both but doing cold reset betwen them, i dont recall if your model has a bios swicth or just GigaByte auto recover.
Seems there a “cacth” for forcing Backup bios boot, if this is the case.
Maybe @chinobino has an insight of this trick…


@Z390nonwifi @MeatWar The Gigabyte DualBIOS feature on this board has no switch, so you have to rely on the motherboard to detect a failed POST.

You might be able to fool it into trying to boot from the backup BIOS by pressing reset a couple of seconds after the power button. You may need to do this 2-3 times.

There was a trick where you can short pins 1 & 6 on the Main BIOS and press the power button to get the BIOS recovery to start but I think it’s outdated for Z390.

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Yes so far it does look like hardware issue, i don’t have access to different components to try, other than going to local shop there isn’t any option left for me🫤

And yes I have tried the reset button method & also the bios chip shorting method, no luck in that too, when I do that short the pc doesn’t start at all, I have to turn off psu & psu on , then the power button works…

Thanks I will give it I try as you mentioned , also my board doesn’t has any of the bios features you mentioned, but i will give it a last try before sending it to repair & for the force bios part there isn’t really a way to force this board into backup bios as per my research i think the board automatically does that…

What’s happening when you press the power- button? Fan-spin? Power LED? Or absolutely nothing?

The pc does gets power the cpu fans do spin, also there is cpu red light on the bottom of mobo which is always on, but no display on monitor