[Problem] Cannot flash BIOS after usage of "Lenovo Auto-Patcher"

i have buy a thinkpad t470, with a admin password on the bios, i have use a as programmer to read 2 time the bios chip, verify both reading are the same, and put lenovo_auto_patcher_0.2 to remove the admin password.

Now i want to put back one of the two reading on the bios chip, but i can’t acces the bios, i try a bunch of software, neoprogrammer, as programmer, the one on this forum, but nothing work, when just the plug the ch341a on my computer i see
Current programmer: CH341a IC not responding

and when i plug the clip on the chip, and click on detect, i have two issue, one the software just freeze and need to reboot the pc in order to close it (task manager is not enought)
or two
Connecting Error CH341(Not found) Connecting Error CH341(Not found) Connecting Error CH341(Not found) Connecting Error CH341(Not found) IC not responding

Edit by Fernando: Thread title specified and customized

Welcome to the Win-raid Forum!
Did you already try to get help from the maker of the “Lenovo Auto-Patcher” (look >here<)?

Installed the drivers for the CH341 correctly?

Not really, like i think it’s a probleme with the software or maybe the chip is dead, but the autopatcher work great. Problem come after that

I tired a bunch of driver, but pretty hard to know which one work and not other, the web have plenty of drivers on it, how can i find the right one ?

I keep a windows from 2018 if it’s can help

driver - Nanjing Qinheng Microelectronics Co., Ltd

MS WIndows OS
2.4 2023-10-18

Available for Linux and Android also.

EDIT: “i have use a as programmer to read 2 time the bios chip, verify both reading are the same
My understanding is that you had successfully connected and used the CH341A for these readings, so you now have a damaged IC or Programmer… logic?

try it, i don’t see any difference before and after the use of this driver