[Problem] Disabling Intel ME Timer on Lenovo HM70

Hello to everyone, i have an Lenovo laptop that i upgraded to I7, everything is working fine but after 30 minutes intel ME will activate the automatic Shutdown, I read that everyone had success by downgrading the ME from 8.0 to 7.0, i try to do that by myself using the HEX editor but the problem is that after i flash the bios ( I am suing a T48 Programmer ) the laptop will not enter into the bios or boot, but the laptop will not shutdown every 30 mintes, i noticed that the ME from 8.0 and the 7.0 that i found on the net is more bigger that the one that i have and that with HEX i will paste over other parts of the code and i think that’s the issue, can someone help me to downgrade the ME from 8.0 to 7.0?
downgrading from 8.0 to 7.0 and cleaning the image seem to be working, i am asking if someone can modify it for me, thank you :slight_smile:
also if i can get a 7.0 with ME cleaned and 7.0 with Intact Me, i want to try both to see, because i read that some people had luck with one or another to disable the timer.

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and customized

Downgrades or upgrades aside… the shutdown is corrupted fw

from what i understand downgrading from 8.0 to 7.0 it should make the timer to not work? maybe there are some instructions that will not make the timer to start?

You mean Intel(R) Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel(R) WDT)… some bios have this string visible or not, or not even present at all, in the code and always enable.


No, if the user has no past experience in bios mods and never done it before, with always a high risk of failing and getting a “death” motherboard/system, that needs further advanced recover. If that’s the case, stay put.
And you even don’t know if this is present in the bios code…

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Do you think it would be easy to set the value in the bios and disable it?

Not in the case of HM70 with an i7 processor.


The small detail :scream:…my bad (an upgraded…)

Yes, i upgraded it, about dead motherboard or other problems i have a programmer and a solder station, i did bios unlocking on ami before but this is something new for me…
I would need someone if can help me to downgrande ME from 8.0 to 7.0 so i can test it :smiley:

I spend at least 4-5 hours last nigh and at least the laptop didn’t shutdown himself but i can’t enter the bios or boot the SSD

Exactly, i found a cheap i7 for $10 on aliexpress and i wanted to try it, i also put liquid metal and the temp was fine but the 30 minutes automatic shutdown it’s something that i hate

Nobody can help to downgrade with hex ME from 8.0 to 7.0?

Theres a HIGH possibility of a “death” system… That’s why.
Getting radical…get an old revision complete firmware image and use an SPI IC programmer, chances are almost the same but if the system is not a primary asset…play with it.