[Problem] How to edit POST screen contents?

Hey hoe!

Well, I just have another silly idea ;o)))
See, my chinese board HUANAN RUNING X79-VB10 show either the RUNING logo once the PC starts or


a classic black/white POST screen with American Megatrends logo and… (to be continued)

So, first modding the original logo into the black/green Matrix picture that I created my self, was quite easy, with the ChangeLogo_5.0.0.2 tool. BUT!

Once I turn off the boot logo in the bios menu, the classic black/white POST shows only the American Megatrends logo with some date and version of the bios and "Press ESC or DEL to enter the Setup" and thats it! No CPU information, no RAM information, no drive information… nothing! All you see is the two-digit POST codes blinking in the lower right corner of the screen and then it goes to Windows logo and boots… (I will add the actual real picture of my POST screen later as I write this at work.)

So my question is, is there a way to add/edit or just unhide the entries that are normally part of the POST screen? Like on the picture bellow? I am just curious and discovering…


I remember I did such similar thing couple years ago… But that was on old nVidia Kepler-based graphics card ;o))) There was a tool to edit the VBIOS regarding voltages and timings and part of the tool was also a GUI to enable/edit the graphics card POST text and to show some technical information about the graphics itself. So I believe there has to be some tool for the classic bios POST entries. Unfortunately I am not that skilled in binary coding to edit the bios myself i.e. in HxD.

Any idea or advise would be appreciated!

Cheers, good luck

no full screen logo - old style POST
and no fast boot - all devices is initialized


or SELF-CHECK options for CPU / HDD .,.etc ,…,additional items in POST
,.this you need ?? “all this setting create longer delay”

Hi NeXt3R!

Yes, LOL, exactly as you wrote… You either are a small kid who just has the bios in default with the onscreen logo turned on and POST hidden or… you are one of us, old school POST watchers ;o)))

I wouldnt mind a longer boot time with the POST screen showing all I want to see… So exactly according to your "edit" text, I want to see additional items in POST screen.

Do you know how to make that appear?


and bios is full unlocked “admin access” ?
my device is easy setup - all is unlocked “i see all options” and as wrote - no fast boot + no full screen logo

all this SELF-check / debug options

I don’t use debug mode when everything works :smiley:
.,a můžeš psát asi i česky PM ,ale vím jen AMI + MSI NB .p

this not works now :confused: “only AWARD logo” ,…,i try find “extra hidden options”
.,.,. if exist extended for POST


or all works only in legacy mode .,.,still not have luck “all setup look identical”
.,only full-scree boot or quiet boot - LOGO or AWARD screen “but still minimal info”

better write Private Messages or English here “forum rules”
,.,.this “removable” bios chip ?? I haven’t seen that in a long time :smiley: "but still you need HWprogramer"

send your bios .,.i try extract hidden commands “if you don’t have full access in bios”
.,but it is possible that this check is not at UEFI mode or must be predefined

now you have AWARD from modding or from easy this setup “enabled/disabled - full screen boot” ?


Good evening!

Alright, lets keep it in English here within the topic, if you dont mind of course! And for other visitors as well…

Bellow is the file I currently use in the bios chip. Check yourself and see what kind of magic you will be able to do with the chinese EFI noodles ;o)))

Then here are couple of pictures of what I can see when I start the PC and my boot settings options.




Here is my Apple Samsung SSD in the proprietary PCIe adapter.


All Apple SSDs dont have the classic M-key M.2 NVMe interface, but year by year they used to have and still have different pinout interface. You can check that here: https://www.compuny.cz/kategorie/redukce-blade-macbook/

And there is also a picture of the DIP bed with the chip, especially for you, bro ;o)))



But I dont really think, it is so unusual nowdays. A lot of Gigabyte boards, Asrock board and other producers use even better chip bed than the DIP8,


where the SOIC8 type of chip is completely hidden and secured in the 2-door housing like on the picture bellow.


Me? I do have two classic CH341a-based USB SPI programmers, one with the 3.3V mod, the other untouched, both working fine. And a load of self-made cables for different SPI headers. No problem with physical part of the flashing on my side ;o)))

I guess you have all you from me by now…

Cheers, good luck and me know!


VB10_Nvme2021.zip (3.49 MB)

aptio 4
and i used link above ,.,.but not contains nothing about POST
.,…,this must be in different table "gui" not in setup domain :confused:


File_DXE_driver_Setup_Setup.txt (448 KB)

Sorry, did not understand a single word you wrote… ;o)))

I know, there are multiple modded bioses downlaodable from Russian web pages. But none of those contain working NVMe boot support.

So, what am I looking at? What is the TXT file telling us?

not exist here any usefully setup for this function :confused:
.,.this function is set elsewhere "you need full bios mod"

Okay, who can do that?

Not me, I dont know how…

Are you able to do it…?

I don’t even know where to look for it “CORE BOOT” or similar full mod.

I only know the settings / setup
quiet boot - logo or text
fastboot - all device or some device initialization

but full info or progress for POST is defined in different space. “or not for UEFI ?”
,.I know it from older PCs

it also depends on which chip/fw checks modern devices .,.your SCREEN - is probarly after POST

do you still have the original flash dump of it? and to be clear, you only want a full screen bios post logo right? no POST Test like that, just bios logo till it boots to windows?

Yes. I found original dumps before I started to play with the modded versions of bioses from Russia. I remember I made dump with ASProgrammer 1.40 as well as with CH341 v1.29. LOL, it turned out that I even made a dump from DOS with some DOS tool, back in 2019 when I bought the board from some unknown guy in Prague ;o))) The files are RAR-packed and attached.

No. I dont care about any logo. In fact I would like to see exactly the POST test items, you know, the CPU info, the RAM amount and frequency, maybe SATA drives connected…

But if it is that much complicated, lets forget about that… I can live without it! I am happy the mashine works fine and I can work on it. Who cares about 3 sec. POST after all…???

Runing X79Z-VB10.rar (9.13 MB)

Hi @GeorgettaCZ , from what i can see you wanted for, your possibly files that need to be modified are one of those:

1- SMBiosStaticData: DAF4BF89-CE71-4917-B522-C89D32FBC59F => Inside this compressed module, you’ll find the SMBios Data “OEM/Hardware Infos”, this file module AB56DC60-0057-11DA-A8DB-000102EEE626, that nneds to be Extracted as Body in .BIN extension, the open it with a HEX Editor and find what you Want to name, but you should only edit what is to be able, otherwise you can, you can make error, for the file, and maybe after flashing or being flashed your board will hang. Edit it and replace it.

The other possible file is:

2- OEMDXE: BFE205C9-5B17-4F8F-9375-89614AF8E199 => Inside the compressed module, you’ll find the PE32 image section, that needs to be extract as Body and in .EFI extension. The next step is complicated, as you need to decompile the efi file for modification, as it contains some post boot infos like "PRESS <DELL> or <ESC> to enter setup. But the BIOS Ver shown in the post screen you’ve posted, is located on another module which is specific for the BIOS version, Brand and Date only, and that does not contain any other information than this, which is also editable using HEX editor, “edited things here will affect the whole places that shows your Board infos either Windows/BIOS APP/BIOS Settings/POst Screen”.

Or as searching in the BIOS for American Megatrends string, you’ll find 4 Modules which contain what you want to modify in the post screen, and here they are:
1- CORE_DXE: 5AE3F37E-4EAE-41AE-8240-35465B5E81EB => PE32 image section
2- SmmDispatcher: 4A37320B-3FB3-4365-9730-9E89C600395D => PE32 image section
3- AMITSE: B1DA0ADF-4F77-4070-A88E-BFFE1C60529A => inside the compressed module you have this file GUID: 97E409E6-4CC1-11D9-81F6-000000000000, extracted as Body .BIN
4- Setup: 899407D7-99FE-43D8-9A21-79EC328CAC21 => PE32 image section
- Always extract as Body, and in .EFI or BIN for the 3 other modules

Hey ammoune78!

Thank you for the very accurate and expressional text! Once I get sober and be able to think again, I will give it a shot and let you know!

Merry Christmas and happy new year!!!
