[Problem] Installation of Win7 x64 onto Lenovo H430

Hi there everyone
I’m trying to cook up a version of Win7 SP1 x86 & x64 that can install on my Lenovo H430 with Sandy Bridge-DT IMC and Cougar Point H61 (Intel 6 Series /C200 Series 6 Port SATA AHCI 1C02)

Initially Win7 wouldnt see the hard drive, then I integrated AHCI drivers which allowed Win7 to detect the hard drive and allow me to choose it to install Windows to.
However after the 1st restart during the installation process Win7 restarts just as it starts.
I can choose to start Windows normal or safe mode but Windows still auto restart.
I am not sure if the problem is a AHCI driver or a chipset driver.
I would appreciate any info.

Made a little progress, Windows now progresses further during the installation doing 3 normal restarts during the installation process but on the 4th and final startup just before starting Windows it freezes and auto restarts then displays the Error Recovery screen (attached)

Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
You cannot install a 32bit and a 64bit OS at the same time onto a disk drive.
Please tell us which architecture (32bit or 64bit) of the OS you want to get installed and customize the title of this thread by editing the first post.

The fact, that the OS Setup has detected the target drive, indicates, that the used AHCI driver was ok. Intel’s chipset “drivers” are not really needed and don’t harm the OS installation.
What happens, if you remove the drive, which contained the OS Image for the OS installation?

Hey Fernando
Thank you so much for your reply i really appreciate it.
I corrected the title.
Apology for the misunderstanding.
After Setup have coppied the installation files from the source disk (usb flashdrive)
I have to remove the flashdrive when Setup says the computer will reatart else the Setup will start all over again from the flashdrive.
Setup continues after first restart without the flashdrive and continues the installation.
Win7 Setup restarts 4 times during installation as is normal but during the 4th startup when the colors for the Windows logo start appearing to fly around Windows freeze and auto restart then give the Error Recovery screen.
On the 4th start Windows is supposed to start for the first time.

Your last message is not clear enough for me right now: Has your problem been solved or not?
If not, please post the exact error message and add
a) the HardwareIDs of the on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller and
b) the version of the Intel AHCI driver you had integrated or loaded.

By the way - I have customized the thread title again to make it visible for the future Forum visitors, that this thread is a Help Request and not the Offer of a Guide about how to get Win7 x64 installed onto a Lenovo H430.

Apology I should have been more clear.
No problem is not solved yet.
Still trying to get Win7 to install on Lenovo H430.
Thank you for the correction of the Thread Title and placing it in the correct forum I appreciate it very much.
Here are the hardware ID’s for the SATA AHCI controller:

The AHCI drivers I integrated are:

Thanks for your reply, the HardwareIDs of your on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller and the version(s) of your integrated Intel AHCI drivers.

All these drivers were designed for other/newer Intel SATA AHCI Controllers.
None of them do support the DeviceID of your old on-board Intel SATA AHCI Controller.
For your on-board “Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller” with the DeviceID DEV_1C02 I recommend to integrate or load the “64bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL”.
By the way - it is never a good idea to integrate more than 1 driver for a certain device! Different driver versions may interfer each other.

Hi Fernando
Thank you very much for the information.
I am going to try this v11.2.0.1006 WHQL
Could you please tell where to find v11.2.0.1006 WHQL x64 & x86?
I will report back if it worked.
Will this be the correct v11.2.0.1006 :arrow_heading_down:


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Fernando you are the #1 Expert!
Your suggestion for v11.2.0.1006 WHQL worked!
Thank you very very very much I am very grateful!
Thank you again :grinning: :partying_face:
I am now going to test this Win7 version on the Lenovo ThinkStation P300 as well and hopefully it will successfully install on the P300 as well.
I did manage to create a version that install on the P300 but I wanted a version that will install on the H430 & P300.
If this can work on the P300 as well then I can add the Audio, Video, LAN & WAN drivers to make a final version.
I only integrated the AHCI, Chipset, USB3, MS NVME update and MS USB3 update to just get a basic version first that can work before integrating all the other drivers.

OK I can report Win7 x86 & x64 is working on the Lenovo H430 and P300 from the same source install disk.
The H430 use Intel 6 Series C200 SATA AHCI ( WHQL)

The P300 use Intel 8 Series C220 SATA AHCI ( WHQL)

This is possible with the guidance and assistance from Fernando.
Thank you very much again for helping me to make it a success Fernando I appreciate it very much.

Here is my daily H430 with Win7 Ultimate x64 :grinning:
Integrated AHCI, USB3, NVME, a lot of drivers, slightly modified theme, full auto install.