parseImageFile: Aptio capsule signature may become invalid after image modifications
parseBios: one of volumes inside overlaps the end of data
parseBios: one of volumes inside overlaps the end of data
parseSection: GUID defined section with unknown processing method
parseSection: GUID defined section can not be processed
parseBios: one of volumes inside overlaps the end of data
parseBios: one of volumes inside overlaps the end of data
parseSection: GUID defined section with unknown processing method
parseSection: GUID defined section can not be processed
Edit by Fernando: Thread title specified and customized
Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!
You should better ask the ASUS Support than us (see below).
The UEFITool is a very good BIOS Modding tool. Your attached picture is a proof for it: This tool shows everything, which is not “normal” within the related BIOS and may affect the success of a BIOS modification.
So these messages are the truth and not a mistake done by the UEFITool.
As you certainly know, the manboard manufacturers don’t want to support users, who are going to modify their officially released BIOS. So they try to prevent it by an usual BIOS configuration.
Nevertheless the flashing of a modded variant of such BIOS may be successful. Such user action is always done at own risk…
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
@zgrcn41 UEFITool (non NE) hasn’t recieved many updates since 2015 so alot of newer UEFI images report errors like this.
Most of the time it can still modify the file fine though.
I assume you’re modifying it to add NvStrapsRebar or ReBarUEFI because I can’t think of any other reason to modify modern boards like this.
Some alternative tools which can add .ffs and still get updates.
- MMTool 5 (not available officially, only leaks)
- GitHub - linuxboot/fiano: Go-based tools for modifying UEFI firmware
- GitHub - theopolis/uefi-firmware-parser: Parse BIOS/Intel ME/UEFI firmware related structures: Volumes, FileSystems, Files, etc
Most of the time OEMs (besides stuff like HP and Dell) don’t use boot guard or similar on the main DXE section so there are no signature checks preventing you from modifying it. That might change soon though because it’s been exploited by firmware rootkits.
Do any of these tools work to modify write-protected UEFI variables? Such as CpuSetup in modern HP laptops