I previously had experience using a BGA to 1151 CPU that I purchased from Aliexpress … The seller sent the BIOS , I updated and popped in the CPU and it works fine
Now I have another build , with an MSI Z170I AC PRO , the seller from TAO BAO has general links on the product page , that include all MOD BIOS for most if not all Skylake/ Kaby lake Motherboards …
So after translating the weblinks and doing some Jiggery pokery involving Motrix and oneleaf.icu to avoid Baidu spyware , I updated the BIOS found in the Links to version ‘E7980IMS.1E0’
The BIOS updated fine , and ran with the i5 7500 . However when trying to boot with the QTJ2 , the board immediately turns on then off
I am not sure if it is something I am doing wrong or if its a faulty chip …
Here is a video showing said issue above https://photos.app.goo.gl/ahdJtdW3ifP57Yeu8
Here is the Tao bao product page ( you will need login)
Here is the links for the ‘Mod BIOS’ on the product page