[QUESTION] What is THE Raid Controller?

I’m looking for the best raid 1 controller which does the following:

supports 2tb+ hdds
allows smart checking (temperature) of disks in raid
doesnt kill raid or data when acronis is used
has absolutely 100% no dpc latency spikes
works 100% stable without any crashes and bsods
power consumption 1-4 watts

does something like this exist? :slight_smile:

@wedok :
Since I have never used anything else than Intel RAID Controllers within the past 5 years, I cannot answer your question.
Maybe >this< review about different PCIe connected RAID cards may be helpful for you.

Normally they all support 2TB+ HDDs.
SMART Support: Adaptec, LSI/Broadcom (which i prefer), Intel
Acronis: Well… use another software ^^
DPC Spikes: I assume you are asking for a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)… IF this really matters to you then get a SAS RAID controller and SAS drives. Another solution would be to use a huge amount of RAM (and a UPS). This spikes could also come from LAN, USB, etc. - AFAIK it is very important to configure your BIOS the right way (eg. disable legacy USB support) for low latencys.
100% stable: yeah… we all want that :smiley:
Power: why are you asking? Intel RAIDs use a maximum of 4,1 W. I don’t know what other cards/chipsets need.