Questions about HP Probook/Elitebook EEROM Flashing

Hey there everybody, I just wanna start out by saying thanks for being one of the only sites around that is actively maintained for the topics found here, it is much appreciated.

I have a TON of experience flashing EEPROM chips. I have used a good amount of ISP programmers and finally settled upon flashrom via a Teensy or RasPi. I decided to take a stab at this HP Probook 430 G2 that I’ve had laying around. It has a BIOS admin password, the boot order is locked to only allowing the internal hard drive so I can’t boot to USB, the internal SSD has a GPT partition type and is as well severely corrupted, and I’ve come to realize the BIOS is UEFI. Pretty much I figure my options at this point are to take out the SSD and reinstall Windows externally, or try my luck with flashing to EEPROM. I chose the EEPROM route because… well I like to make my life difficult I guess >.<

I made a full backup of the original contents of the chip to begin with. I found a pretty awesome utility called UEFITool that surprisingly runs on OS X and have been using that to display the contents of the chip into a human-readable format. Now I’m lost… I have more experience with flashing Apple EFI so when approaching this HP I thought “Well how much different could it really be?” Which has now led me to countless hours of poking around inside the .bin file searching for any hint of a string that would resemble whatever the BIOS Admin password “should” look like with zero success. I purchased a subscription to dr-bios so that I could have access to their repository and surprisingly found a (supposedly) “clean” flashable .bin to use. Needless to say that did not work…

My questions to everybody here: which device-specific specs do I need to copy from my original .bin and paste into the dr-bios .bin so that there are no conflicts upon boot (i.e. UUID, MAC, serial, etc.)? Also does anybody know where the bios admin pass is stored inside the dump (I figure if I could find and nullify the password, then write the .bin back to the chip then maybe problem solved)? Or am I missing something entirely and have just been barking up the wrong tree this whole time? Any and all help is much appreciated and thank you to whomever in advance for helping a brotha out :slight_smile: