RAID and Z87 Chipsets / different mobos

Hi Fernando and the rest of the forums,

I currently running into trouble with my Intel Z87 mobo (Intel DZ87KLT-75k). The SATA controller is (was…) set to RAID, with a non-array system SSD, and two RAID1 mirrored storage disks. The RAID is controlled from the Z87 chipset, as fas I understood.


1. If I RMA the board and get the same model, I suppose setting the SATA controller to RAID will then have the disks recognized as being RAID disks? Do I risk anything (in terms of data loss)?

2. If I can’t get the same board, and have to get another manufacturer’s one with the same Z87 Chipset, does the same as above apply?

@ Lebowsky:

Here are my answers:
1. If you get the same mainboard, your RAID1 array will be detected.
2. Since all Z87 chipset mainboards have the same sort of on-board Intel RAID Controller, any Z87 chipset mainboard will be able to detect your RAID data.

Thanks a lot Fernando, that was quick!