RAID Support for ASUS B150 Pro Gaming D3

Hi. I have an ASUS B150 Pro Gaming D3 motherboard and I would like to have RAID support on it.
What should I do?

Thank you.

@dirsors :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
According to >these< specifications the ASUS B150 Pro Gaming D3 doesn’t support RAID.
It is impossible to implement the RAID option by simply inserting Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver modules into the mainboard BIOS.

If you want RAID support, you should buy a motherboard, which natively supports this feature.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks Fernando,

I would like to do this (insert the Intel RAID ROM/EFI RaidDriver modules into the mainboard BIOS) anyway to see if it works. I know, I assume all the risks.
I have a strong feeling that it can work.
How can I do?

>Here< is the related guide.
By the way: The insertion of original not present BIOS modules is much less risky than the modification of originally present BIOS modules.
Nevertheless I doubt, that you will be able to get RAID support this way.

Dear Fernando,

Let me show you something.

First, I’ve created a RAID0 array with 2 hdd’s on my Intel D975XBX2 motherboard.
Then, I’ve moved the disks to my Asus B150 Pro Gaming D3 motherboard. The machine already has it’s OS on other HDD, so I had three disks at the end: The system HDD and other 2 from the Intel mb.

I’ve turned the pc on and the RAID array was recognized correctly as a RAID array in Windows, but only after the “Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver software” was installed (from asus drivers section).

Should be this a proof that my asus motherboard can support raid?

That is interesting. I haven’t expected this result.

The management of an Intel RAID array requires an Intel RAID driver. Obviously the in-box Intel RAID driver of your current OS doesn’t fully support the sort of your RAID array.
Questions: Which OS are you running and which Intel RAID driver version did you install?

It is a proof, that your system now is able to detect an Intel RAID array and to read/write data onto it. A complete support of RAID would additionally require the ability to delete an already existing RAID array and to create a new one.
Question: Do you have access to the Intel RAID Utility (via CTRL+I while booting or from within the UEFI BIOS)? If yes, can you post a picture of it?

I’m using Microsoft Windows 10 Pro x64. The Intel RAID driver was downloaded from Asus driver download page for my motherboard. The description is "Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver software V14.6.0.1029 for Windows Win7 32bit & Win7 64bit & Win8.1 64bit—(WHQL)."…pDesk_Download/

There isn’t any sort of RAID mention at bios and pressing CTRL+I during system’s boot has no effect.

Also, others motherboards wich native raid support have an “EZ Tuning Wizard” that can create and delete raid arrays (see the image). Unfortunately, my mb doesn’t have it.

@dirsors :
Thanks for your last 2 posts, which verify, that your system did not get full RAID support by just inserting the natively not present Intel RAID ROM module into the mainboard BIOS.
Disadvantage: You will neither be able to delete the existing RAID array nor to create a new RAID array with your current system.
Possible solution: Insert your RAID array members (the 2 HDDs) temporarily into another Intel RAID system and execute these tasks there.

Is there a way to insert that module at my bios?

Yes, but only ASUS knows that way and the required modules.

Can’t I extract them from other mb bios and insert it? Doing like yours tutorials about bios modding?

I cannot help you with this. It is a big difference between the insertion of a natively not present Option ROM module and a modification/replacement of already existing system modules. The chances of a bricked mainboard are very high.