Recommended AHCI/RAID and NVMe Drivers

I have a Supermicro X9DAi Motherboard that I am looking to install the new Intel Optane PCI-E Storage. I am an advanced user, but have never done any Bios Modding. If someone can give me some further information/tutorial I would greatly appreciate it.

@Flow_King :

Which one of the drivers, which I am offering within the start post, is “incorrect” according to your opinion and what lets you think, that it is faulty?

Please attach this driver or give us a link.

This indicates, that you had integrated a not matching tetmode driver into your XP x64 CD.

The exactly same driver I am offering within the start post of this thread. Its name is “64bit AMD SB7xx & SB8xx textmode driver v3.3.1540.33 WHQL prepared for XP x64 integration”.

@NorasRage :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Which SSD model contains your Intel Optane PCIe card and which protocol does it use (AHCI or NVMe)?
Which OS do you want to install onto your Intel Optane SSD?
Furthermore I need the DeviceID of the related Intel Storage Controller.

Dieter (alias Fernando)

I will be running Windows 10

Intel Optane Drive:…7-440-_-Product

The link doesn’t show me the product you have purchased.

N82E16820167440 .

To whom did you address your post and what does it mean?
I don’t have the time to do a Google search for it.

I tried to put a link to the item but it didn’t work. It is PCI NVMe…-inch-20nm.html

@NorasRage :
If you would have read the text of the chapter “Intel NVMe Drivers” within the start post of this thread, you would know, that the “Intel Optane 900p Series (DEV_2700)” NVMe Controller is natively supported by the latest Intel NVMe driver v3.2.0.1002 WHQL.

Sorry to waste your time. I just want to make sure I am good to go in setting everything up.

@NorasRage : I understand you, but I expect, that the Forum members read the start post of the related thread, before they ask questions and don’t post questions, which are explicitly answered there.

Understood, I just started researching this today. I will have some more questions undoubtedly , hopefully they will be answered.


I would like to have a mod+signed variant of the AMD 64bit AHCI driver v1.3.1.277 with enhanced compatibily for various AMD AHCI Controllers to be able to use the new improvements of the driver if it is not too complicated to do it.

And you were right. I had not noticed that it was only 64 bits. I made further research on the primary source and found and downloaded the original HP package where the driver was originally found and taken (sp79350.exe). Despite what they may say on other website where it is available, i confirmed on the HP website that it was only made for 64 bits install (using Windows 10 on the HP T630). Only the 64 bits version of the driver was made for the T630. The HP T630 on a 32 bits system use Windows 7E (with sp76654.exe) and use the driver instead which you already have. I guess it is not impossible that a 32 bits version of the v1.3.1.277 was ever made for an other HP PC but i found no clues pointing in the direction of that theory at this point. I give you the clean version of the 64 bits driver as i found it in the 64 bits package. No name alteration or modification by others in this one.

@Phoenix48 :
Attached is the mod+signed variant of the 64bit AMD AHCI driver dated 04/15/2015, which should be usable with all Windows Operating Systems from Win7 up.
Supported are the AMD SATA AHCI Controllers with the DeviceIDs DEV_4391, DEV_4394, DEV_7801, DEV_7804, DEV_7901 and DEV_7904. The original driver only supports the DEV_4394, DEV_7804 and DEV_7904 Controllers.
Please test it and give me your feedback. If you should be satisfied, I will offer this mod+signed driver within the start post of this thread.

Thanks for the info and the link, but I found this package already yesterday evening and was able to extract the “pure” original driver.
By the way: The package you had attached previously contains both 64bit drivers twice.

64bit AMD AHC drivers v1.3.1.277 mod+signed by Fernando.rar (66.5 KB)


I finally got the time to try your driver but, unfortunately, it doesn’t want to install. It says that it encountered an error while trying to install it. I noticed that Windows says that the driver is not digitally signed. It also write that the .inf file have no digital signature information in its content.

@Phoenix48 :
Thanks for having tried to test the 64bit mod+signed AMD AHCI driver v1.3.1.277.

These messages are misleaing, because the driver has been digitlly signed by me and the INF file contains the related information. Your problem is caused by the fact, that the OS doesn’t trust the given digitally signature, because it doesn’t know the company Win-RAID CA.
You obviously haven’t imported the Win-RAID CA Certificate, before you tried to install the driver.
Attached is the same driver, but with added Win-RAID CA Certificate. Please import it by doing a right-click onto the file named Import Win-RAID CA.cmd and choosing the option “Run as Administrator”. Then you will be able to get the driver installed.
Good luck!

64bit AMD AHC drivers v1.3.1.277 mod+signed by Fernando.rar (70.3 KB)


You were right again. i wrongly thought that i had previously imported the Win-RAID CA Cetificate and that it was already added to the Windows store but it wasn’t. The installation of the driver worked flawlessly after importing the certificate with your script. The driver is installing and working without any error. I verified that in the event viewer and all is perfect.

@Phoenix48 :
Thanks for having retried the installation/usage of the mod+signed AMD AHCI driver and thanks for your report.
Do you think, that I should offer this 64bit mod+signed AMD AHCI driver v1.3.1.277? Is it really better than the officially released and WHQL certified v1.3.1.276 driver?


I honestly don’t know yet which one has better performance. I didn’t made any test to compare the performance. But i think you should provide it as a choice with the My reasonning for that is that if HP requested it and provide it for Windows 10 with their PC then the new version can’t be bad and they must have requested those for a good reason even if i don’t know what that reason was. Also the HP T630 PC is a server so i guess the driver must be faster because which company in its right mind wants to slow down his servers. On top of that, after you provide the driver, i am sure it won’t be long before many people will test them both in performance and provide feedback.

So yes, i think this driver is worth being provided along with the older WHQL version. I suggest you put, at least for a while, a note with the driver on the front page asking feedback from the users to compare performance.


I just took the time to put the theory i wrote in my last post to the test. I used Crystaldiskmark 6.0 with my Velociraptor WD6000HLHX with both drivers to test the performance multiple times to get a good feel of it because, as you surely know, each time the test is run the numbers are not exactly the same. The results overall are not clear black and white. Numbers are very similar with both drivers but there seems to be a very slight increase in performance overall with the version. But i admit it is not big enough to make any difference noticable with any daily ordinary use. Probably only a server running all day long at full capacity would see a difference at the end of the day. But in the end, yes, the last version seems slightly better.