Recovery BIOS Asus A55A

Good day,

I am Guatemalan and I speak Spanish. I’m using google translator.

I have a laptop a55a ah31 wt. When the computer is turned on, you can not see anything on the screen. Neither I can see the bios screen.

The problem arose after a few settings in the bios. I need to reset the bios to its factory settings.

Can I use Raspberry?, How I can reset it with a usb?.

I really need your support, I do not own warranty.

Thanks, I hope to understand my text.

@ jfergt:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Are you sure, that it is a BIOS and not a hardware issue?
Which were the last BIOS settings you have changed?
Have you tried to flash a new BIOS?
Did you already follow the advices given >here< by ASUS?
