Hi all; i’m very much a novice in biso programming and even computer components, so sorry if any of my thoughts come of us as obvious or even stupid.
TL:DR I bricked my bios using ru.efi,and am unable to detect it in ch341a (tried multiple softwares and two different ch341as - both using the test clip)
From my understanding my bios chip is a GIGADEVICE: 25B127DSIG with a 3.3v voltage.
I’ve attached two images of my attempted setups: [1] 424470 B1 27 E5 4 F8 F 9781 F309 B592665 A — Postimages - default black ch341a setup; [2] 801 BC3 B1 3142 4380 AC58 B83 A2477 E03 F — Postimages - green ch341a with a 1.8v adapter.
In both attempts i attached the ch341a with the test clip, with the red wire corresponding to the circled leg on the chip. I’m not sure as to whether the razer chip is SIP, and can threreby be programmed without soldering, but from what i’ve read people have programmed it directly through the test clip.
I’m not sure what else i can do to force the ch341a to detect my chip, and i feel as if running out of time given my main pc is now totally inoperable.
I’ve tried multiple programmers - asprogrammer, neoprogrammer, che341a programmer - and have all drivers installed on the pc being used to flash. I’ve also been able to connect the actual ch341a, but the chip still remains undetected, or, in some cases, the ch341a disconnects depending on the test clips placement.
Please, any help would be greatly appreciated