Request acer aspire 750g bios unlock

hello everyone.
In need of unlocked bios, advanced menu, gpu memory sharing, cpu overclock …

My laptop is an acer aspire 7560g and my backup rom is attached and original from acer website.
Many thx to all.

rom backup:

acer firmware:…C=ACER&SC=AAP_1






@allnet7 - I see on BIOS-mods forum you need graphics option ungrayed, this is not an optional setting (only text to show you amount) This BIOS does not have a setting for IGD/dGPU, Int graphics etc memory option, here is all the graphics related options
Also, unless you have a hardware flash programmer (Like CH341A) and SOIC8 test clip cable in your hands and have made a backup that you’ve verfified is proper BIOS, do not adjust any display related settings or you may end up with black screen and now way to blind flash to recover

Subtitle: Video Configuration {02 04 16 01}
0x60C7E Subtitle: {02 04 90 00}
0x60C82 Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60C85 Variable 0xFE[1] equals value in list (0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3) {14 0F FE 00 01 04 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 03 00}
0x60C94 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60C9B Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60CA2 And {15 02}
0x60CA4 Or {16 02}
0x60CA6 Setting: Primary Video Adaptor, Variable: 0x1CC[1] {05 09 CC 01 01 54 01 55 01}
0x60CAF Option: Auto, Value: 0x0 {09 09 53 01 00 00 01 00 00}
0x60CB8 Option: Int Graphics (IGD), Value: 0x1 {09 09 56 01 01 00 00 00 00}
0x60CC1 End of Options {10 02}
0x60CC3 End If {18 02}
0x60CC5 Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60CC8 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60CCF Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60CD6 And {15 02}
0x60CD8 Suppress If: {0A 03 00}
0x60CDB Variable 0xFE[1] equals value in list (0x0, 0x1, 0x2) {14 0D FE 00 01 03 00 00 00 01 00 02 00}
0x60CE8 Setting: PX Fix Mode, Variable: 0xFF[1] {05 09 FF 00 01 16 02 17 02}
0x60CF1 Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 A4 00 00 00 01 00 00}
0x60CFA Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 A5 00 01 00 00 00 00}
0x60D03 End of Options {10 02}
0x60D05 Setting: PX Dynamic Mode, Variable: 0x100[1] {05 09 00 01 01 18 02 19 02}
0x60D0E Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 A4 00 00 00 00 00 00}
0x60D17 Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 A5 00 01 00 01 00 00}
0x60D20 End of Options {10 02}
0x60D22 End If0x60D22 End If {18 02}
0x60D24 Setting: Stereo 3D Support, Variable: 0x16F[1] {05 09 6F 01 01 74 02 75 02}
0x60D2D Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 A4 00 00 00 01 00 00}
0x60D36 Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 A5 00 01 00 00 00 00}
0x60D3F End of Options {10 02}
0x60D41 Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60D44 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60D4B Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60D52 And {15 02}
0x60D54 Suppress If: {0A 03 00}
0x60D57 Variable 0x16F[1] equals 0x0 {12 07 6F 01 01 00 00}
0x60D5E Setting: Stereo 3D Support, Variable: 0x170[1] {05 09 70 01 01 76 02 77 02}
0x60D67 Option: HPD4, Value: 0x4 {09 09 7A 02 04 00 01 00 00}
0x60D70 Option: HPD5, Value: 0x5 {09 09 7B 02 05 00 00 00 00}
0x60D79 End of Options {10 02}
0x60D7B End If0x60D7B End If {18 02}
0x60D7D Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60D80 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60D87 Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60D8E And {15 02}
0x60D90 Suppress If: {0A 03 00}
0x60D93 Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x0 {12 07 FE 00 01 00 00}
0x60D9A Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 FE 00 01 01 00}
0x60DA1 Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 FE 00 01 02 00}
0x60DA8 Variable 0x11C[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 1C 01 01 01 00}
0x60DAF Or {16 02}
0x60DB1 Or {16 02}
0x60DB3 Or {16 02}
0x60DB5 Setting: PX mode, Variable: 0x103[1] {05 09 03 01 01 1A 02 1B 02}
0x60DBE Option: Mux, Value: 0x0 {09 09 1C 02 00 00 04 E1 00}
0x60DC7 Option: MuxLess, Value: 0x1 {09 09 1D 02 01 00 05 E1 00}
0x60DD0 End of Options {10 02}
0x60DD2 End If0x60DD2 End If {18 02}
0x60DD4 Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60DD7 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60DDE Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60DE5 And {15 02}
0x60DE7 Suppress If: {0A 03 00}
0x60DEA Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x0 {12 07 FE 00 01 00 00}
0x60DF1 Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 FE 00 01 01 00}
0x60DF8 Variable 0xFE[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 FE 00 01 02 00}
0x60DFF Variable 0x11C[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 1C 01 01 01 00}
0x60E06 Or {16 02}
0x60E08 Or {16 02}
0x60E0A Or {16 02}
0x60E0C Setting: Discrete GFX Modules, Variable: 0x155[1] {05 09 55 01 01 1E 02 1F 02}
0x60E15 Option: None, Value: 0x0 {09 09 0A 01 00 00 01 00 00}
0x60E1E Option: M92, Value: 0x1 {09 09 20 02 01 00 00 00 00}
0x60E27 Option: Madison, Value: 0x2 {09 09 21 02 02 00 00 00 00}
0x60E30 End of Options {10 02}
0x60E32 End If0x60E32 End If {18 02}
0x60E34 Grayout If: {19 03 00}
0x60E37 Variable 0x87[1] equals 0x2 {12 07 87 00 01 02 00}
0x60E3E Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x1 {12 07 88 00 01 01 00}
0x60E45 And {15 02}
0x60E47 Setting: HDMI Audio, Variable: 0x118[1] {05 09 18 01 01 2A 02 2B 02}
0x60E50 Option: Disabled, Value: 0x0 {09 09 A4 00 00 00 00 00 00}
0x60E59 Option: Enabled, Value: 0x1 {09 09 A5 00 01 00 01 00 00}
0x60E62 End of Options {10 02}
0x60E64 End If {18 02}
0x60E66 Suppress If: {0A 03 00}
0x60E69 Variable 0x87[1] equals value in list (0x1, 0x3, 0x4) {14 0D 87 00 01 03 00 01 00 03 00 04 00}
0x60E76 Variable 0x88[1] equals 0x0 {12 07 88 00 01 00 00}
0x60E7D Or {16 02}
0x60E7F Text: {03 0B 90 00 90 00 90 00 04 00 00}
0x60E8A End If {18 02}
0x60E8C End Form {0B 02}

Here is your unlocked BIOS, revealed Advanced and Power menus…737587778754261

Many Thanks for the quick help.
You are right. Sir. It´s an APU based system that´s why I got some reserves about the Gpu but wasn´t sure.

I´m new at Bios modding but not a noob and I can take some chances.
I want to learn anyway and if you can provide me with some good links, I´ll appreciate. with intel based system, all the tutorials are somehow easy to follow. with a system like mine not all the tools are working.
Although if you can pm me with the tools you used, I will compare my original with your results to study in depth on how you came to my bios unlock to help others in the forum and relieves some of you that may be busy with more advanced features for our users.
On that note, would you mind to attend my request? if you are no taken with other matters.

Gratefully yours and hopes to ear you soon.

@allnet7 - You’re welcome! I agree, sometimes Intel is easier to play around with. For future reference in case anyone asks, how do you flash mod BIOS on this system?

I only used IDA assembler, UEFITool, and hex editor for this edit (only changed two bytes in hex = total mod)

This difference file has been created by IDA - Section_PE32_image_DriverSampleDxe_SetupUtility_body.efi
0000000000001306: BD >> Change to >> 00
0000000000001325: 9E >> Change to >> 00

I do not know a guide to show you how to do this exactly, this one may get you similar result, but I didn’t run through this and see if it applies to your BIOS or not, you can check and see if you get same result as above changes I made…power-tabs.html