Hello I have the laptop mentioned in the title. I need the bios unlocked for modding and setting up XMP profile for memory. If someone can help me please do let me know i do have dump. I am attaching helpful files and links.
already tried 5+ combinations for different acer lenovo and hp laptops
dont have access to any RAM settings in BIOS or in intel XTU software, in advanced tab there is only VT enable/disable settings, i want to edit default timings conf
edit try any “research” …,find admin hotkey for bios or wait for better help “I know how to unlock it for flash/dump” this is all .,…,but how to mod bios you need good mod or only gets brick you machine !!
variables written above “your bios” for someone more experienced on INSIDE bios ,.but all advanced setup here exist “admin key must exist”
variable offset and enable XTU INFERENCE ? - this enable ram in XTU
//edit any problem in variable - cmos reset but exist some options "pcie setup / me fw" - dangerous …,here is impossible reset device or get old state !
try older XTU ,. last version for me not react on XTU INFERENCE ON/OFF "but my is old 7TH notebook" exist two type access "when works XTU INFERENCE in bios" - you have all in XTU + RAM
try wait tomorrow I’ll take a picture of how it works on my Nb
its not hard ,.,but good is know how can is possitible do easy way "CMOS RESET" long press power button ?? "I only know MSI " edit you have to wait for better INSYDE support ,…,on my AMI / MSI works all this but I do not guarantee it on INSYDE bios “not tested” !!! if you need more info PM but some edit in NVRAM is still dangerous “not all options is normal possitible reset by cmos reset” ,.,infinity boot loop / no screen .,.,etc