[Request] Advanced tab unlock on HP Vistus laptop

Hi! I am trying to unlock the IBV Advanced tab on my HP Victus gaming laptop.

I have modded biosses before with AMIBCP and or a Hex editor. But this bios has a signature file that it checks on boot. I tried almost anything. I can change values in the bios with amisetupwriter but I don’t know how to patch the setup so that the menu tab shows. I can’t even dump the bios since AMI AFU kicks out error 46 error getting flash info. If I open the bios with the ami setup editor I can see it’s an UCORE 2 Project. And i can even replace the image with my own modded one but I can’t flash. HP uses an EFI flasher to flash and I can’t get it to skip signature checks.


https://transfer.sh/5r04Jv/08A3C.bin - Unmodded bios