*** For the Pro's and those who know (BIOS Editing) - General Aptio V Mod Guide ***
If you want to do this mod on your own, or attempt to learn how to do it, here's how it's done in general since all systems are little different.
I will try to provide good detail here in text, but much less images and or walk through, because as mentioned this is mainly for "Those who know"
This type of modifications, apply to many AMI Aptio V BIOS, some are more involved than this, others less, but this is the general idea/method for Aptio V
If you are in the "wanting to learn" category, please do not attempt this without a CH341A flash programmer + SOIC8 test clip cable, for BIOS recovery
Everyone should own a set of these tools anyway, there's no excuse they cost less than $6 total shipped. Order now and wait 3-5 weeks for delivery.
Or pay more and get them shipped faster, or from local sellers, and hopefully they'll arrive long before you ever need them!
For this example, I will be using Mechrevo GK5CN6Z BIOS
1. Open BIOS region in UEFITool NE, Extract AMITSE (PE32 Module) As-Is & Setup (PE32 Module) As-Is
2. Using Universal IFR Extractor attached below, open the setup PE32 module and click extract, this is the Setup IFR output (Human legible text output of the BIOS settings and it's variables)
3. Open the IFR in notepad and copy the highlighted portion of the Form Set ID as shown in the image below, paste this into a saved notepad file you'll add menu info into on next step. This will be our main Form Set ID, how we locate the majority of the menu entries in AMITSE module.
4. Create a new menu.txt file in your work folder. Open and past that ID from step #3 as "Form Set ID"
5. Back to the IFR txt, search and find each menu ID, Main, Advanced, Chipset and so on, there will be duplicates of most, some 3-4 (Boot usually). Using search term "Form: Chipset" for example will help you quickly locate everything. Copy each one and shorten down into manageable and useful info for this mod like you see in my example below. You only need the name of each, and it's form ID, so you will be copying and pasting, then cutting out unnecessary info. Near the top of the IFR, you'll find a set of menu names (Setup, Main, Advanced, Chipset etc) This is the list of the main hidden ones in these BIOS, and this is also the list of menus you see at root of setup module in AMIBCP (So you know later, those are ones to edit in AMIBCP)
Each actual menu ID is circled in red, this is it's Form ID in hex (backwards). This will be used later to quickly ID the lines you want to edit/remove/swap/add etc.
6. Once you have all your menu ID's and info saved into your notepad file, open AMITSE PE32 module in your favorite hex editor, using search for hex terms input your main form set ID and "Find All" Depending on BIOS, you should find 15-30 or so results (Some less, most in the middle of that range, this BIOS has 19)
* Please note * If extracting body resulting file extension = .EFI and to be sure to replace body / If extracting as-is resulting file extension = SCT and be sure to replace as-is
This applies to all the mod-BIOS-files as well, some I included AMITSE As-Is=SCT and some have AMITSE Body=EFI
7. First result usually not anything we need to look at, but go ahead and click through to each result for a quick glace. You noticed the chunks/blocks of several in a row/right after each other correct, and did you catch the menu form ID's too in each one? If not, I've circled them in the below example, so you can now notice where to easily locate them. Once you see this often enough you will recognize immediately. I've also outlined two of the chunks/blocks of ID's I mentioned, these are sets of either available, visible, or hidden menus
8. Make a notation in your menu text where each of these sets of ID chunks is located (Hex address), you should have two, some BIOS three. After that, go back to hex and copy each set of ID's in their entirety to your menu text file. Be sure to select and copy/paste the correct amount of bytes, so each begins with the form Set ID and ends evenly, example image below. Paste each set to their corresponding hex address location in your menu text, then then arrange the hex into neat format like you see in my image example at #5 This makes for easier editing later.
9. Now, lets find the short block list and it's location. Search AMITSE PE32 module for 19 27 (chipset) via hex, we know this one is blocked so it will help us quickly locate the short block list. You should find 2-3 results, if more that's OK (Be sure to uncheck "Ignore Case" in your search box if you can, this will provide less incorrect results). Once you've located the correct one, you'll see several other menu ID's with the 19 27, all in a short row of 3-6 or so ID's. In the image example below, I've circled the short block list entirely in red and each individual blocked menu ID in blue. Copy this blocks starting address (First ID) into your menu text, and then also copy all the contents (just all menu ID's) via hex to the menu text as well like you see in my example at #5
10. Now, your menu txt file should look nearly identical to my example at #5 image, except for the edits at the bottom. Now, edit yours marking which menus at the top area you want to reveal, or hide, or swap and then make an edits section like I've done at the bottom of my #5 example image. Then make your edits there, looking back to the top as needed, whatever you remove fill in exact same amount with 00. Once done, save file with a modified moniker, and you're now done with hex edits.
11. Open BIOS region in UEFITool regular version, replace AMITSE PE32 As-Is module with your modified file.
12. Open modified BIOS region in AMIBCP, go to "Root" of Setup, here you will rename any menus you want to rename, and set Access Level to User. Save BIOS with final modified moniker once you are done, this will be your finished mod BIOS
13. If you are doing this mod for someone else, as long as it's the same exact model and BIOS version, you can extract (As-Is) AMITSE PE32, Setup PE32, and AMITSE/SetupData >> SetupData Submodule from your final mod BIOS and insert into others BIOS regions to do the mod for them. This would be exact same as the mod files linked on this guide. But you must always make sure it's same model and same BIOS version, due to these modules change sizes/contents between BIOS version and definitely do not match between the models.
AMITSE PE32 = your main menu lock/unlocks
AMITSE/SetupData/SetupData = your AMIBCP Access Level changes
Setup PE32 = your AMIBCP textual menu name changes