[Request] AsRock Master SLI x470 bricked bios recovery


I managed to extract the bricked bios with a CH341a programmer.
I’m not sure if some parts of the bricked bios need to be copied over to the virgin bios I got from the AsRock site. Things like MAC ID and SN?

Can someone check? Thanks!


You might have recognized a slight size difference, your dump is 32 MB, stock firmware 16 MB.

I’d recommend to adjust reading parameters until you get a dump of correct size. You’ll probably get problems when writing with incorrect parameters/ wrong chiptype.

  • Compare your dump with stock bios of same version in HxD.

  • Check the location of different areas in UEFIToolNE (use Ctrl-G to go to a specific hex- address).
    If it’s only in NVRAM: Not relevant, NVRAM will get rebuilt automatically.


The only difference I managed to find was the NVRAM.
Good to know that the NVRAM doesn’t matter.

There is a size difference between the dump and the new bios is because the chip is 32MB, and half the chip is empty (FF).

I just went for it last night and flashed the new bios without making any changes and it worked!

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