[Request] ASRock Z370/OEM 128GB memory support

Hi all,

Trying to add 128GB memory support for the above motherboard, CPU and chipset supports it and I’ve tried to follow the guide on here already (https://winraid.level1techs.com/t/guide-how-to-make-z370-chipset-mbs-compatible-with-128gb-ram) however having some problems identifying the correct hex to be modifying.

BIOS available for download on the asrock website (https://www.asrock.com/support/index.us.asp?cat=SIBIOS)

Any chance someone could lend a hand please?

Thank you.

sorry for late reply. i am busy these days.
Z370/OEM ver 4.02 already support 128G in BIOS Region, however you need set Intel ME disabled to boot with 128G DRAM.

just edit 0x90 to 0x91 at offset 0x102 to do that.