[Request] ASUS A68hm-Plus bricked after update

Good day,
A successful bios update (from stock to newest V.) lead to me, successfully bricking my ASUS A68hm-Plus motherboard.
The BIOS Chip is identified as a GD25Q64B but the label looks to me more like GD25B64B (definitely is), nonetheless the CHA341a Soft. v 1.31 (comrade version) reads it and i have extracted a dump.
Skimming through the board i noticed that, there is quiet a lot more to this, than i firstly imagined.
Could someone give me directions (to a guide) that fits my circumstances and could possibly alleviate my plight?

Btw It’s possible that i actually didn’t use the newest version available today i have the unaltered HDD and can check the actual version number used for the update if its necessary.
Bios dump

@Amorphis - Here is fixed BIOS 2011 - http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?fil…535114107076700
Maybe issue was you skipped some BIOS that needed to be updated between original and latest? I checked and don’t see any message like this on any BIOS version notes, but you never know.
Or, could have just been a bad flash too, it happens.

I met the same situation as you,the mobos is ASUS Z87-PRO.
It had been the newest bios version.when I update it with the same newest version by FPT or by ASUS update tool,it would turned into brick.
What lucky is the mobo has USB flashback,and I had recovery it.

A doubtful point is when I flashed the same bios verion by FPT(just flash the bios region),normally the FPT would just prompt 2-3 line of text.
but it prompted almost 10 line of text indicating that the bios has different from the original newest bios.
Unluckily,I had set the ME FW reflash and bios lock,but I could only flash the bios region,ME region was still be lock in this MOBO.

So I’d like to try with the SPI programmer.I also suggest you to flash it by this method.

@gloobox - he used programmer for the dump above, it was full BIOS, and it’s now fixed so I’m sure he’ll be all good once he checks it out and programs it in

Thank you! Ill give it a go later.
Yes, could have been a lot of things. Someone on ASUS Forums mentioned that not reverting to default before a flash could lead to this and I had set most of the options to a quasi power saver profile. What would have been the steps i would have had to take if i wanted to fix it myself? Never did much with HEXeditors besides editing some values for older games.

I used ASUS’s EZ Flash and by all accounting i was pretty certain that this would be business as usual, nonetheless i had my thumbs crossed while i was updating. The stock version of the BIOS (V.0210 2014) had a big red BETA indicator on ASUS’s Support Site. In Hindsight it was pretty unwise(mayor understatement) to skip 4 yrs of development considering that V.0601 2015/01 had "Enhanced Memory compatibility" which i was going after. The only thing that consoled me was that i wasn’t the only one suffering from this as i found a few other people bricking their A68hm-plus boards by successfully updating their bios.
Sure, I’m going to use a Progger, seeing as i haven’t mastered the art of copying data from PC to Chip telepathically, i don’t see no other option anyway as the board doesn’t have flash back. It has crash back which is basically a poor man’s version of flash back that usually only works once on a blood moon.

Update: Pheew i managed to get a good verify 1.34 Cha, had me worried there for a moment, was already scrambling to find a spare disk to install parot os on it for the flashrom tool.

Purrs like a freshly raised zombie kitten, thanks again.